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Console Wars, Part 3

By Chaos

Another part of the cave, yet close by...

DLE: I'm-*huff* *puff*-tired!

Bannon: QUIT COMPLAINING! (beats the living snot out of Eric with his cane)

DLE: Ow.

Locke: Ha, ha!

Evil Knight: Quiet, insolent fools, or I shall be forced to unsheath my mighty Illumina, and disembowel you!

Tritoch: I'm sick of their bickering, do it anyway!

Locke: Wait, stop! I hear something...

Edgar, Tortolia, Magus, Bio, and Kharis round the corner, just as Locke, Bannon, Tritoch, and Evil Knight dive behind a rock.


Edgar: HEY DLE!! DLE???

Magus: It's the enemy!

Bio: Get him!

Kharis: Grind him up!

Tortolia: Err!

DLE: AUGH!!!!!!!!! GOD HELP ME!!!!!!

Banon (whispering to others): He's toast.

Locke: Too bad.

Tritoch: I'm outta here!

Evil Knight: Me too!

Tritoch and Evil Knight emerge, just as Edgar, Tortolia, Bio, Magus, and Kharis are about to pummel him.

Tritoch: Hey Edgar.

Edgar: Hey Tritoch. So you escaped?

Tritoch: Yep.

Bio: Who's your friend?

Evil Knight: I am Evil Knight.

Bio: I see.


They all look to see DLE running like the dickens to the far end of the cave, toward the gate. Then suddenly, he screams and falls.

Tortolia: What the hell?

Edgar: Huh?

Kharis: What in the--*pow!*--un...

Kharis falls.

Magus: Um, uh...

Edgar: Maybe we should uh...

Unknown Voice: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edgar and Magus fall.

Locke: They're just droppin' like flies now.

Banon: We'll be at Chaos's gate in no time! I--*pow!*--un...

Locke: Huh?...AUGH!

Banon falls.

Evil Knight: (unsheathes Illumina) Get ready.

Tritoch: What's going on?

Bio: I think we may not want to know!!

Bio, Tritoch, Tortolia, Evil Knight, and Locke begin to run, the same direction as Eric.

Locke: Hey guys, can I come?

Voice: Prepare to die!

Evil Knight: DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!

The team runs, fear surrounding them.

Locke: I see it!!!

Bio: We'll never make the gateway!

Evil Knight: Yes we will!

And with that, they all jump into the glowing orb.


N64 Man: We're almost there.

Aaron C.: You don't sound content.

N64 MAN: Whatever do you mean?

Aaron C.: Second thoughts?

N64 Man: Yes! We will try to make peace first! I will announce this to everyone!

Aaron C.: Never!!!!

N64 Man: What???

Aaron C. starts chanting. A glow surrounds N64 Man...

N64 Man: NOOOooo---

His voice carries off into the distance, and with a thought, Aaron C. materializes a dead body of a wizard on the floor.

Aaron C: Thanks for the crystals, wiz.

He grabs N64 Man's megaphone, and goes to the window looking out at the army awaiting further orders.

Aaron C.: Attention, army! N64 Man has been killed! Slain and thrust to another dimension by a wizard spy! Had I not come, we would all probably be dead!

Mario: Mamamia!

Aaron C.: But I now control this army! Now start moving! We're only halfway to Playstation Palace! Go, and prepare for war! Without Edgar, Bio, Kharis, Tortolia, and Magus to lead them, and now that I have obtained the 132-bit crytals, Nintendo will win this war, once and for all! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Army: Three cheers for Emperor Aaron!

Aaron C.: I will now be called...Jack Azz!

Army: Three cheers for Jack Azz! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Yeah!

Jack Azz: Ha, ha, ha!

So now that Jack Azz is in control, N64 Man is banished to another realm, DLE, Banon, Kharis, Magus, and Edgar have disappeared, and Tritoch, Tortolia, Bio, Evil Knight, and Locke have gone through Chaos's gateway, what will happen next? Anything could happen, so stay tuned!

Console Wars, Part 4

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