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The Dark Times: Chapter 4

By Mataya

As the FFML members lay siege to N64 Man's castle, DLE appears.

DLE: Oh, just great, now I'm back, my parents think it would be better toture to send me back into this lame story.

Schala: Yeah!!!

Hal: Give it up, N64 Man! We've got 6 magic users now!

N64 Man: (from castle) I surrender. (walks out of castle)

Hal: Get him!

N64 Man: Ahhh!

Hal: Hey, we haven't done anything yet.

N64 Man: No! Behind you! (runs back into castle)

The FFML'rs turn around and see a quite large horde of unfriendly poodles, 100 Bad-dudes, and 10 clones of each of themselves.

All except DLE: Ahhhhh! (follow N64 Man into castle)

DLE: Die poodles, DIE! (is fallen upon by poodles)

Alan: (knocks me on head) Thanks a lot, nice plot twist.

Me: I didn't think of it! I no longer have control of the story!

All: Damn.

Golbez: (goes into another lapse of insanity) Heeheeheheeheeheehee! Poodles! Oh look! I can see 10 of me!

Golbez Clones: (go into lapses of insanity and end up killing themselves and most of the other bad guys) Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Kaitlin: Well, I'm glad that's over.

Suddenly, the surviving bad guys grab Kaitlin, Schala and Marie and disappear!

Kharis: Dang it! They got the girls!


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