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Pokey's fanfic

By Pokey

Edgar, Sabin and Setzer are sitting at the bar one day, drunk as usual. All of a sudden Setzer says: "You know what guys, I'm Jesus Christ!"

"No way you're not," the others say.

"Wait, I'll prove it to you. You see these two full glasses of beer? Well, with these two glasses I will fill all the empty glasses on the bar!"

The others look at the eighteen empty glasses, smile, and say, "Go ahead, Setzer, show us!"

Needless to say, no matter how hard Setzer tries, he can only fill two glasses instead of all eighteen, and after a while he gives up and sits down again.

Then Sabin says: "See, I told you you weren't Jesus Christ. And you know why? Because _I_ am Jesus Christ!"

"Yuh-huh," Edgar and Setzer say, full of sarcasm, "and what are you going to do to prove it?"

"See that lake over there, outside? I'm gonna walk over it!"

"Hahaha, yeah right! We gotta see this!" the others laugh, and they all go outside to the lake. Sabin runs towards the lake, jumps, and... splash!

Edgar and Setzer pull him out of the water and take him back to the pub. When he's dry and warmed up again, Edgar says: "Alright guys, follow me and I'll show you who the real Jesus Christ is...Me!"

The others sigh. "Well alright then, we want our bit of laughter too."

Edgar takes Sabin and Setzer to the Red Light District, and he goes to one of the "fun houses."

"Now watch, he says. He knocks on the door, and after a short wait a girl opens the door. She sees Edgar and says:

"JESUS CHRIST! Not you again?!"

Disclaimer (read: flame prevention): This story is just a joke. A joke! There were absolutely no intentions to degrade the name of Jesus Christ or offend the Christian religion. Just in case.

Send the author, Pokey, your comments!

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Send little ole me your comments! I'm big on typos, too, so if you spot one, let me know! ^_^
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