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Edgar 1/2, part 2

By Amber Berebitsky

Setzer Gabbiani staggered through the Figarian desert. "Dammiiiiiiiit..." he moaned. "That�s the last time I bet the airship...damn guy looked like a playing much for �cheaters never prosper.�"

"The airship hangar should be around here," he whispered, thinking of his beloved Falcon, and his two new ships, the Ace and the Palidor. He slapped himself. "Why did you bet the Blackjack, you dope? You know you can�t find your way around on the ground! I�m probably nowhere near Tzen..."

Gogo was hard at work. The letter had to be perfect to win the heart of the young mimic who had caught his eye. He didn�t even know if the peg of his heart was a man or a woman, but with mimics, it didn�t really matter. The lovely one was known as Didi, a feminine name, to be sure, but also a mimic�s name.

"To my darling Didi," Gogo wrote, not noticing the figure coming up behind him.

"Another love letter? You just won�t quit, will you?" Didi yelled.

"My love!" Gogo gasped. "Oh, my precious!"

"Shaddup!" Didi shouted, right before slamming a giant spatula on Gogo�s plumed head. "And take off that feather. Ya look like a Kefka wannabe," the younger mimic stated flatly before storming off.

Gogo rubbed his head. "Oh, such a fiery temper. So lovely." Sighing, he decided to go spy on his paramour.

Within five minutes, Gogo returned to his dressing room, the tree disguise he had chosen barely allowing him to enter.

"Darling Didi..." he whispered lustfully before passing out.

"Listen," said Siegfried to Ultros. "I seek to win the heart of the fair Terra Branford."

"And what�s in it for me?" the purple mass asked.

"You must attack Figaro Castle, where she stays. I shall pretend to defeat you, and she shall see me as her savior."

"Wait a minute," said Ultros. "Didn�t she fight that clown last year?" Siegfried nodded. "And you think that you beatin� me is gonna land her in your lap?"

"Of course. Oh, she fights with such ferocity...But she has never been able to beat you. She and her friends have saved the world from an evil God, but none can rid the world of you, my purple friend."

"So what do I get?"

"Oho! What DON�T you get!"

Ultros shrugged, an impressive feat considering that the shrugger was a giant octopus. "I want part ownership in the coliseum and an all-I-can-eat lunch every day."

Siegfried smiled, and rammed his sword into the floor. "Done!" he bellowed.

Terra smiled. Siegfried was nowhere to be found! And Edgar was coming home. Today couldn�t be better. She hummed an aria as she prepared her hair with several ribbons, but her mood changed abruptly when she heard the familiar voice of...

"Relm! How are you?"

The prepubescent heroine looked up and smiled maliciously. "Where Edgar?"


"She�s been experimenting with different accents lately," came another voice, an elderly man, leaning on a walking stick twice his height.

"Grandfather! I talk to Terra. You no interfere!" Relm spat out.

Strago groaned. "She�s also being belligerent."

Terra nodded. "Some of the older kids in Mobliz are like that. How long are you two staying for?"

Relm grinned. "Till husband come back to Thamasa and leave uncute girl!"


Strago withdrew the staff. "It clears her head for a while. Relm, Edgar is not your husband!"

The two left. Terra sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. "Uncute...?"

"Where is Tzen?" Setzer demanded of a guard.

"Uh...wrong continent. This is Figaro Castle..."

"Figaro, eh...?" Thoughts of a certain beautiful young woman entered the gambler�s mind. "Is Terra here?"


Smiling, Setzer entered the castle and promptly got lost.

"One more time!" Siegfried shouted.

Ultros swung his fourth tentacle, and toppled eighteen trees with one swipe.

"Wow..." whispered a strange figure hiding in the shadows of the forest.

"An intruder!" With one strike of his sword, Siegfried felled another tree.

"Owwwwwww...." came a moan.

Siegfried was soon atop the blue-clad man, with his glinting sword pointing at the stranger�s neck. "Who art thou?"

" me Magi-Master. You wouldn�t know me. No one does."

"Didn�t you used to work for Kefka?" Magi-Master didn�t answer.

"I bow in holy reverence before your eightfold tentacles of mass destruction!"

"Uh...Siegfried...? This guy�s gettin� weird..."

The swordsman turned and saw the former High Priest genuflecting before Ultros. Several lit candles had suddenly appeared.

"Whoo..." whispered Siegfried. "This guy�s worse than I am!"

"Hi-yah! Husband come home!"

"Hello Edgar, Sabin."

"Your Highnesses."

Edgar waved to his friends. It was great to see so many of them together, but right now, he needed to see the Matron.

"King Edgar, welcome home." The Matron, mother of the castle, nursemaid of not only the royal twins, but of their father was well. "Are you still..." she dropped her voice, "needing hot water?"

"Uh...we�ll talk about this later."


The young king turned. "Terra..." he breathed. She was indeed a vision of loveliness in a lavender dress, her green hair spilling over her shoulders.

Sabin leaned in. "She can�t find out, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Edgar dismissed his brother.

"I missed you.


The two kissed, mage and royal. No one noticed, but Relm turned bright red and Setzer turned away.

The next day, Edgar woke with a smile on his face. Home, a soft bed, running water...Terra...He briefly considered going to her chambers and watching her sleep, but decided against it in favor of a shower.

Siegfried smiled as he entered the castle. The plan was set. Ultros would attack in a few days� time, with the Magi-Master serving as a distraction in the meantime.

He heard water running--damn! The king was back! But no matter.

The water stopped abruptly, and a door opened. Siegfried prepared to explain his absence to Edgar, but the person he saw was decidedly not the king.

A young woman, maybe mid-twenties, clad only in a towel, with both leg and cleavage showing, gleaming wet...She didn�t seem to notice the mercenary swordsman behind her, as she wrung the water out of her long blonde hair.

" lovely..."thought Siegfried. "She is as beautiful as! MORE beautiful!" He watched as the girl walked down the hallway to King Edgar�s room and quietly entered.

"W...what?" Siegfried was taken aback. "Edgar already has the ideal, Terra Branford, and harbors this lovely innocent behind her back?" The self-proclaimed World�s Greatest Swordsman fumed, thinking of that perverted king and the two wonderful women...


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