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By Toni Walker

Chapter 1: Esper World

Current party: Fang, Leopard, Claws, & Spike

Fang: Sir, we've found the Espers. They're strong, but Leopard, Claws, Spike, and I can handle them.

Emperor Gestahl: Good job Fang, we will be the strongest nation in the world thanks to you four.

Fang: Thank you Emperor Gestahl. Come on guys, full force attack!

The four of them use their own secret magic.

Neon Blast!
Quadruple Smash!
Adamantainium Tail!

The Espers fall very quickly from their devastating attacks. They haul the Espers into the airship and leave for Vector. On the ride, the foursome were getting bored.

Spike: I wanna do something.

Leopard: Yeah, me too. So what do we do, Fang?

Fang: Uh..... I know, let's go to the Triangle Island, where we can kill that stupid Intanger once and for all!

All: Yeah!!

Fang: Emperor, we are going to kill the Intanger.

Gestahl: Okay, just don't die on me.

Fang: Thank you, Emperor.

The four of them jump off and land on the Triangle Island where they chase down and destroyed the Intanger with their most powerful attacks.

Triple Bite!
Flaming Spots!
Claw Orb!
Spike Spin!

Fang: Ok guys, I told Emperor Gestahl we'd meet him in Vector. So are ya ready for transformation?

All: Yeah!

The four of them transform into hawks and flew toward Vector. Meanwhile, on the airship Black Iron.....

Gestahl: I must get rid of them before they overthrow me. I know, I'll send them to a faraway land with the Warp spell. Ha ha ha!!

Fang: I feel something strange about the Emperor. How about you?

Leopard: Definitely, he doesn't seem to want us he's planning something he doesnt want us to hear.

Spike: Agreed.

Claws: Very much agreed.

Chapter 2: Warping

Current party: Fang, Leopard, Claws, & Spike

The four of them reach Vector just as the Emperor got out of the airship.

Gestahl: Hi! I have something to discuss with you.......

At the dinner table......

Fang: So you want us to go to other worlds and conquer the worlds for us?

Gestahl: Exactly. Think of it, the more worlds we have, the more ways of getting into new worlds and so and so on.

Leopard: Cool, but how do we get to the other worlds?

Gestahl: I will send you there so you there...... so you can't overthrow me!!!

With that, he sends the four of them to the world of Final Fantasy 2.

Cecil: They have reinforcements. Run!!!

Three people, a Dark Knight, a Bard, and a Ninja escape from the room.

Monster: You aren't a part of us! Get 'em, guys!

Seven monsters rush at them. But with their awesome speed and strength, they beat the monsters in three seconds flat.

Leader: Retreat!

All of the monsters run away, leaving some weapons behind.

Leopard: That was too easy. Something is wrong.

Suddenly, a man in a black cloak walked in.

Man: I am Golbez. I wish to test your power.

Claws: Okay, who'll test us?

Four figures appear.

Monsters: We will!

Golbez: Pick your partners to fight.

Fang: I pick the tall guy in the cloak.

Guy in cloak: I am Rubicant and I accept your challenge. Fire 3!

Fang: Mere child's play! Neon Blast!

Rubicant: How have I been beaten? Nooooo!

Rubicant disappears in a dying flame.

Leopard: I pick the girl that is spinning and spinning. I'm gonna be sick!

Girl: I am Valvalis of air, and yes, I accept your challenge. Cyclonic!

Leopard: You call that an attack? Z-fer!

Valvalis: (dies)

Golbez: Let us go to my lair, then we can continue your battles. Plus, I want to test you V.S. Kain.

Chapter 3: Golbez's Lair

Current party: Fang, Leopard, Claws, Spike, Kazzaino, Milon, & Golbez

On their way to Golbez's Fortress, they encounter strange monsters like dragons (red, blue, and yellow), giant squids, and the Red Wings. When they get there, they continue their battles.

Claws: I choose the turtle.

Turtle: I am Kazzaino! The ruler of water! Tidal Wave!

Claws: Water? You are trying to hurt me with water? Ha ha ha! Bolt 8!

Kazzaino: How could I.....

Kazzaino dries up and shatters.

Spike: Guess I get to kill the freak of nature! Ha ha ha!

Milon: Don't underestimate me. Quake!

Spike: Good old Gaia Gear. He he he! Adamantainium Tail!

Milon: How could I, Milon, monster of Earth, be defeated???

Milon crumbles.

Golbez: Good job! Here, try to beat Kain, my most trusted servant.

A man in Dragoon armor comes out from behind a door.

Fang: Kain, I presume?

Man: Yes, I am Kain, and I challenge you, smart aleck!

All: Whooaa.

Fang: Ok tough guy, let's go! Triple Bite!

Kain: Ouch, take this! Jump!

Fang: Grrrrrrrr.

Anger releases Fang's true potential!

Sonic Howl!

Kain's armor shatters, and he falls to the floor.

Kain: Where am I? What am I doing here? Smoke Bomb!

Fang: (cough) (cough) Hey! I can't see!

Spike: Let's go!

Leopard: I don't got you!

Claws: Then who does?

Kain: I do!

All: Kain?

Chapter 4: Kain's Memory

Current Party: Fang, Leopard, Claws, Spike, & Kain.

Fang: How'd ya get us out of there?

Kain: Simple, I used a smoke bomb. (grins)

Leopard: Where did you get it?

Kain: Golbez gave it to me and said to use it in an emergency. I thought it was an emergency because he goes nuts when he loses control of me. Plus that howl of yours shattered my armor.

Fang: Sorry.

Kain: It's okay, let's go to Baron and get my armor back.

Claws: How?

Kain: When something happens to my armor, it goes to Baron's armor smith.

All: Okay, here we go!

The four friends turn into hawks, pick up Kain, then head toward Baron. When they get to Baron.....

Guard 1: Kain! Get out of here traitor!

Kain: Traitor!?!?

Guard 2: You helped Cecil escape from his mission!

Kain: I did not!

Triple Bite!

Kain and Fang take care of the guards while the rest of them start ripping down the walls.

Guards: It's an attack! Grab your weapons and meet the att......

The warriors are cut short as they are melted by Fang's Neon Blast and Leopard's Z-fer.

Claws: I'm.......a......goner........

Fang: Claws!

Claws: Here..... take...... my....... lucky....... bear...... tooth. It...... will....... increase.......your...... strength....... See....... ya....... in...... hell.....(grins) (dies)

Fang: We have to get out of here before we lose anyone else! Rocket Jump!

Kain grabs the three of them and suprisingly jumps incredibly high.

Fang: Hey, do you have a town called Mysidia around here?

Kain: Yeah, why?

Fang: I have the feeling a Dark Knight is there.

Kain: Cecil?!?!

Fang: You know him?

Kain: Yes, he is my best friend.

Fang: You do know he is going to turn into a Paladin in about a half an hour.

Kain: What?!?!?

Chapter 5: Cecil's Quest

Current Party: Fang, Leopard, Spike, & Kain

The four of them landed in town and saw Cecil coming from the elder's house with a well-built, intelligent-looking man.

Cecil: Kain! You're alive!

Kain: Of course! I was just controlled by Golbez.

Cecil: Who's that you have with you?

Kain: These three are from the future. (turns to them) Right?

All: Right!

Kain: Who's that you have with you?

Cecil: It's Blake, the last Red Mage on the planet!

Blake: Nice to meet ya.

A silent gaze went between Blake and Fang.

*Fang? Can you hear me?*

Fang heard Blake in his head.


*Yes Fang, it's been awhile huh?*

**You haven't changed much, Blake.**

*You either.*

Leopard: You guys okay?

Fang: Yeah, um, it's nothing.

*Good call.*


There was one problem, though. Instead of Milon waiting for them (because Spike had killed him), there was Thunder, whom Golbez hired after Milon was defeated.

When they reached the top of the mountain, Thunder congratulated them for making to the top in one piece.

Thunder: Ahh...I see the twins are reunited.

Leopard: What?

Blake & Fang: Twin Blast!

Blake combined his black magic with Fang's Neon Blast and a huge number of lasers took place. Thunder was seriously injured after the blast.

Kain: Jump!

Cecil: Fire Bomb!

Thunder: You may have won this battle, but not the war.

Thunder disappears at this. The party walks over to the grave. When they get too close, the grave opens and they go in.

Leopard: Hey, I can't see! What's happening?

A light starts shining out of the grave.

Fang: Cecil, you are going to fight your dark side. Don't attack it because you will have more dark than light, and the light won't accept you.

Chapter 6: Cecil's Battle

Cecil: Okay light, I am ready to challenge myself.

Light: Yes, if you must.

Dark Knight: You will die, Paladin! Black Laser!

Paladin: Cure 2!

Dark Knight: Dang you!

Paladin: Serves you right!

Light: There are more laws than Justice. Soon you will see. Go, Cecil.

Dark Knight: How.....could.....I......die......

Cecil: I have defeated my evil side! I am a Paladin!

**He did well, huh, Blake.**

*Very well.......but not as good as we did! The only two Red Mages left on the planet!*

**Heh heh, pretty cool!**


Fang: What?

Leopard: Me......too. The........light.....has......too.......much......goodness.

Spike: Penetrated.......our......souls. Take.....our........souls........and........power.

Fang: Nooooo!

Fang received amazing agility and learned to regenerate.

Fang: My friends. All my very best friends, gone. Dang it!

Blake: Wait a second, they said they were killed by the light. Why weren't you?

**You know very well why not!**

*But they don't.*

Fang: Because I'm not a shard of darkness as they once were!

Cecil: Shard of darkness????

Fang: Zeromus created them.

Kain: Zeromus?!?!

Fang: He is the most evil being on the face on the planet. He's the one you must kill to end all the evil in your world.

*But not in ours.*

**How true that is.**

*Because we are the evil! Ha ha ha!*

**Heh heh.**

Cecil was becoming used to the new Paladin.

Cecil: Cure 2!

He killed a zombie that was coming after Fang. When they reached Mysidia, the wizards opened the door to Baron.

**Well, here we go, Blake.**


**Think this will feel weird?**


Chapter 7: Dates for the Twins

Current Party: Fang, Blake, Kain, & Cecil

The four of them lost most of their strength during the ride through the Serpent Road. When they got to Baron, a very beautiful lady helped them to a safe place from the guards. To Blake it was love at first sight.

*She is HOT!*

**Maybe to you, but remember, I am a wolf, not a human.**

*Oh yeah, um, sorry. I know you'll find a woman to love.*

**Yeah, maybe.**

When they were safely out of danger, they started a conversation.

Blake: So....what's your name?

Woman: My name is Nina. I hope you don't mind my black wings.

Blake: I won't mind your wings if you don't mind I have a wolf as a twin brother. Deal?

Nina: Deal! (I hope he thinks I'm pretty because I think he's cute...)

She proved to be a very powerful magic-user, even though it was magic they never heard of. After she had helped them take out the guards, he asked for a date with her.

Blake: Um, would you like to go on a date with me?

Nina: Sure. I've been waiting for you to ask me for awhile.

**Already popped it, huh?**


**I'm going up to the highlands.**


**Thought I saw a female Were-Wolf.**

*Heh heh...*

**Shut up!*

Fang: (thinks to himself) Stupid Blake. Thinks I can't have a girlfriend.

He didn't notice he walked into the cave of the female Were-Wolf.

Were-Wolf: Hi.

Fang: Who's there?

Were-Wolf: You saw me in the mountains. The Were-Wolf?

Fang: What's your name?

Were-Wolf: My name is Lila.

Fang: I'm Fang. Can you come into the light so I can see you?

Lila: Sure.

Lila steps into the light. She is a medium brown, hazel-eyed wolf. They soon fell in love (Gag me!) and had quite a few pups. One was named named Mog, but he had small red wings and was all white. He was the very first moogle ever born.

Chapter 8: The Final Battle

Current Party: Fang, Kain, Cecil, Blake, Nina, & Lila

Cecil: We must defeat the one called Zeromus.

All: Yeah!

Fang: Then maybe we can settle down.

He gave his girlfriend a few nuzzles.

Lila: He he he!

Kain: We will triumph!

The six of them journey to the depths of the earth.

Cecil: Zeromus!

Zeromus: What do you want?

Kain: You will die!

Zeromus: You sure about that? Meteo!

Blake: Runic!

Blake absorbed all the magic before any damage was done.

Zeromus: How.....where.....confound it! Where did ya learn that!

Fang: I am from the future! I already know that you lose this battle!

Zeromus: Lies! I am supposed to win! My master said so!

Kain: Nope, we will triumph!

Fang: Kain? Do you like saying triumph or something? Because you said it about four times.

Cecil: Fang! Look out!

Fang ducked out of the way of a flying tentacle, but it hit Lila. Fang rushed over to her.

Fang: Are you okay?

Lila: I'm fine, dear.

She gave him a few licks to prove it.

Fang: Whew, that was close. I thought you were a goner.

Lila: I did too.

Zeromus: This is all very touching, but....ARE WE GOING TO FIGHT!?!?!?

Blake: Sure, why not?

Fire 27!
Neon Blast!
Bolt X!
Full-Moon Storm!
Paladin Strike!

Zeromus: How......Nooooo!

Kain: I told you we would triumph. I told ya, I told ya, I told ya!

Cecil: You told us, Kain.

**We did very well, Blake.**

*Yes, very well.*

Chapter 9: Aftershock

Zeromus: Kefka.....Kefka, wake up you fool!

Kefka: Ummm.....what?

Zeromus: Were you also defeated?

Kefka: Yeah, by a couple of Light Heroes.

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