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FF High: Part 2

By Golbez

Disclaimer: No characters portrayed in this fic are owned by me...yadda yadda know the drill. ^^

We open to a scene of a sun rising over some houses in a residential neighborhood. The area looks quiet and some faint chirping from birds can be heard. We now focus on one particular house. It is of an old Japanese style, something you would expect to see in one of those old samurai movies. There is a rather large courtyard that runs around the whole house and a stone wall surrounds it. There is a large wooden gate at the front with a small sign at its side proudly displayiny the words "Endo Residence, please ring the bell before entering."

Now we pan to a tree just inside the wall where there is a young teenage girl keeping her balance on top of a branch. She is wearing some rather short khaki style shorts and a tight green shirt, showing off her small figure. She quietly makes her way on top of the wall and starts going across it toward her goal. She then nimbly flips into a two-story window on the main building and enters the bedroom inside.

The bedroom is rather plain, with only a bed, a plain desk with a chair, and a closet. On the bed inside we can see a young man sleeping quietly with the covers strewn about him. The girl quietly approaches him, intent on giving the man a rather nasty wake-up call. When she is within a foot of the man, however, he quickly grabs the girl's arms and flips her to the other side of the room.

Clyde: Good morning sister, I'm sure you had a good rest.

The girl gets off the ground slowly, rubbing her sore bottom.

Yuffie: Why can't I ever sneak up on you, Clyde? I'm always practicing and I'm not even able to get you when you're sleeping!

Clyde: Hardly, I knew you were here the moment you landed on the windowsill.

Yuffie: *throws her hands up in frustration* Arg! I'll get you one of these days! *storms out of the room*

Clyde: (has a small smile on his face) Not while you still act like such a child, little sister.

Clyde straightens out his clothes and walks over to his closet to pick something to wear for the long day ahead. We can see that most of his wardrobe tends toward the darker side of the spectrum. Simply put, he likes black, he likes it a lot.

Clyde picks out some comfortable black pants and a nice form-fitting black shirt then started changing. Once he's done, he picks up a rather worn out brown trench coat off of the chair and puts it on. He then leaves the room and heads downstairs.


Breakfast was a fairly normal thing in the Endo household. It was basically anything you would expect of a traditional Japanese family. Of course, some of the people sitting at the table didn't look particularly Japanese, but that's beside the point.

Seated at the table is a middle-aged Asian man, most likely the father of the family, a middle-aged woman, likely the mother, Yuffie, Clyde, another young man we haven't seen yet, and a young blond girl, no older than 10. The little girl is feeding a puppy some of her meal and giggling happily. Clyde is looking at her with a small smile on his face and eating his meal quietly. The other 2 young people are busy stealing food off each other's plates. The two parents just watch all this with a content look on their faces.

Relm: *giggles* Good boy! You're a good doggy right? (the puppy walks a bit over to Relm and licks her face which only results in Relm giggling more)

Clyde: (smile widens a bit more, then his face takes a more resigned look and he gets off the ground) Thank you for the meal mother, it was very good.

Mrs. Endo: *smiles* Thank you, Clyde. Are you leaving now?

Clyde: Yes, we really must be going. (looks toward the two other teenagers who are now fighting over a piece of meat) Come on you two, let's go.

Yuffie: Can't you see we're busy!? Stupid ATSUO won't let go of MY food!

Atsuo: How many times do I have to tell you!? It's "Edge" you little brat! And it's MY food!

Yuffie: I grabbed it first!

Edge: Did not!

Yuffie: Did so!

Edge: Did not!

Yuffie: Did so!

Mr. Endo: (gets impatient) Stop it, both of you! Now get up and go to school!

Yuffie & Edge: *grumbles* Yes dad.

Mrs. Endo: Really! Why can't you two behave more like Clyde here? You never see him acting like ten-year-olds!

Relm: (looks perturbed) Hey! I'm ten and I act better than them!

Mrs. Endo: You certainly do! See? Even your little sister acts more mature than you two!

Both Yuffie and Edge look a bit embarrassed and ashamed. Relm just smiles. Clyde just stands to the side, saying nothing.

Yuffie: Sorry mom...I'll act more mature from now on...

Edge: too...

Yuffie: Yeah, well, If Atsu-chan didn't always act like a little dork then I'd never have to argue, would I? (looks smug)

Edge: Hey!

Mr. Endo and Mrs. Endo just sigh. Relm picks up her schoolbag, hugs her parents, then gives Clyde a hug also.

Relm: Bye brother, have a good day at school, k? *smiles*

Clyde: *smiles back* I'll try. You too.

Relm skips off to school and Clyde starts walking to his car, Yuffie and Edge following along subconsciously. They even pick up their bags and say good bye without missing a beat of their arguing. Yes, just another typical morning in the Endo home.

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