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Minstrelsy of Paladin

Haiku composed by Lady Cato

Gazing to silent
starry skies, the paladin
sighs and dreams of peace

He unsheaths his aged
blade and kneels, eyes closed gently
as in deep prayer

The burden of the
blue planet lies heavy on
his weary shoulders

He peels the leather
gloves from his hands and flexes
each aching finger

His frayed boots, after
treading such a long distance,
are tugged from each foot

The paladin glides
his bare fingertips along
the ancient sword's blade

Each nick and groove in
the fine edge reminds him of
harsh battles, friends lost...

His blue eyes flutter
open and glance down upon
the smooth, etched blade

The quiescent moon's
reflection shimmers on the
silvery metal

From the near woods, the
howl of a wolf snaps his mind
from its reverie

His practiced fingers
grasp the sword hilt, and he leaps
to a battle stance

He stands barefoot, sword
held ready in his hands, breath
quickening in wait

Then he remembers
that the war has been won and
he is home at last

He sheathes his aged blade
and shakes his head, a rueful
smile crossing his lips

Peace may be upon
the land, but the instincts of
a knight never die

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