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Save the FFML! Part 14

By Schala

So the whole group, including Kharis and EvilKnight, are escorted to the Ocean Palace...

Zeal: I told you I would get my revenge!

Tritoch: Oh, man...

Zeal: Be prepared to be sacrificed to Lavos!!

Marie: Noooooo!!

Zeal: Yes! Schala, the pendant! NOW!

Schala: Yes, mother...

Trystan: Schala, NO! You're supposed to have control of this story!

Schala: I...must...obey...

She steps forward, with the pendant hanging around her neck. Schala's eyes are strangely glazed over, and she moves closer to the Mammon Machine...

Morandan: Oh no, I think Zeal made Schala play the N64 too!

Trystan: She *does* love playing Mario Kart 64, so I've heard...

Locke2: I thought she's a loyal PSX and FF7 fan!

Marie: She has both systems, so I've been told...

Locke2: Ack! Treason! Treason!

Aaron: No shouting in the ranks!

Schala begins to concentrate. The pendant glows ruby-red, blood-red,fire-hot. The Mammon Machine reacts...a loud squeal is heard...


Zeal: Ha-HAH! Feel the power of Lavos!

A pair of pincerlike fangs erupt from the machine. The whole area glows so brightly everyone covers their eyes. Everyone, save Zeal and Schala...

A loud rumbling is heard...

Trystan: Wait, that sound is coming from ABOVE us...

Locke2: You're right!

Aaron: No...Nooo...NOOOOOOOO!! It's the meteor!!!

Marie: What meteor?

Aaron: The one the N64 Man and I made!

Morandan: You mean it followed us through the Looking Glass?!?

Tritoch: It would seem so.

Marie: I thought you guys lost control of it!

Aaron: I thought so too.

Morandan: It must have somehow found out where its creator was in the Looking Glass and came here!

Locke2: It was most likely the power of Lavos that attracted it!

Marie: Mako energy and Lavos...they both come from the earth...

Tritoch: That means it'll head straight for the most powerful concentration of Lavos, which is...

Locke2: ...the source!

Morandan: And WE'RE AT the source!

Kharis: TAKE COVER!!!

The run for some kind of cover, hoping they'll be shielded from the impending blast...

Zeal: Hahahahahaha!! I HAVE THE ULTIMATE POWER!!...Eh?...WHAT??....


The meteor blasts through the water and smashes into the Ocean Palace, colliding directly with the Mammon Machine!

Everyone is seared with the heat from the destroyed machine...The strength of the impact blows them away with such force, they're sent reelingthrough the salty, sickening ocean...

They fall unconscious...

Save the FFML! Part 15

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