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Like you, but afraid to say. 
Love you but didn't want to let you know.
Don't know how deeply I Love You.  Don't know if there is me in your heart.
Too many factors around me, I found myself too afraid to tell you.
Helplessly looking at you, I only know how to run away from reality.

You are so beautiful, your eyes shine like stars.
You are so lovely, a smile that only belongs to angels.
You are so happy,  you are  like the sun to always warm my heart.
But the cowardly me only knows how to think of you secretly.

Everytime I see you,  I wish I could hold you in my arms.
Everytime I think of you, my heart feels warm, like spring.
Everytime you smile,  I feel I have been melted and evaporated into the sky.
The average me would never deserve to have someone like you,
who could only have come from heaven.

Afraid to come close to you, I worry you will find me annoying.
Afraid to approach you,  because I think I don't deserve to have you.
Apart from watching you from far away, I only know to always think of you.

The normally very proud me,  feels so mall in front of you.
The normally very confident me, only feels naive, compared to you.
The useless me, sits silently, as the opportunity slips past.
Maybe ... I will regret in the future....
But, the gutless me really doesn't know

What else can I do ..........

Loving You ...
" ... thankyou to you... you know who you are ...
      for being brave enough to share this, 
      My heart will always have a special place
             ....................just for you. "  
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