The Rubaiyat is not a single poem, bit is rather a collection of verses written by or attributed to 'Umar Khayyam, the Persian mathematician, philosopher and astronomer who lived from 1048 - 1122.
Verse 42 ...

" And if the wine you drink, the Lip you press,
   End in what All begins and ends in -- Yes;
  Think then you are Today what Yesterday
   You were -- To-morrow you shall not be less."
If you wish to read more, select the verses below, it should be read from 1- 101, to fully enjoy the twists and turns of life, love , struggle and triumph ......... luxuriate within the words as they entwine with your thoughts and emotions ......
Verses  1 - 16 of 101
Verses 17 - 33 of 101
Verses 34 - 50 of 101
Verses 51 - 67 of 101
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Verses 68 - 84 of 101
Verses 85 -  101
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