Needing Disabled People As Friends

I need you like i need
The comfort of a warm bath
For my aching bones
The homliness of tea and scones
On a rainy day,
The sting of a dip in the sea
On a hot one.

You know how life knocks me about
You know what it takes to keep bobbing up
You know how tired its possible to get
You know because
You live there too.

I need you because,
In a world of denial,
You give me back to myself,
With you i can speak the unspeakable,
Laugh at the unfunny
Be deadly serious.

Together we are not scared of truths
That terrify,
Together we can plan the impossible
Spin fantasies today
And make them happen tomorrow.

I leave you with my bones polished and new,
I take a blessing for my body,
I go breathing clean air,
Thinking clear thoughts,
Owning my strength.

I need you.

by Sue.

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' Miranda '
by Sir Frank Dicksee
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