Journey with me into the quiet of your soul
deeply to the depths of your lungs
Hold the
cleansing breath for a count of two
Slowly exhale and return to normal breathing.

You are outdoors, in your favourite place,
The day is sunny and warm
and you are completely
deep sense of peace and tranquility is filling you,
You begin to notice, that the light of the sun
is going from golden to radiant white.

The light encompasses you, you breathe it in,
feeling it
soothe and heal, you are home.
Listen to the
quiet of your breathe, of your heart,
Release your question to the ethers, and hear
wisdom, your truth, the light within you.

You are now one with all that is,
has been, or ever will be.
You know this place,
You know the voice, you are at peace.
It is here you are one with God.
It is here that you are free.

Dedicated to those in the know......
Remember, with all your heart .....
The Wood Promise "
Never to be disclosed, always to be honoured.

                    Chloe Matthews
Chloe Matthews - a Friend in need is a friend indeed ..
In Peace do I walk ....
Love do I live ...
Forgiveness I transcend ...
Free to dance
Among the stars ..
To a melody
the depths of
Made forever
One with All ...
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