Pieds - Cinq positions des
(five positions of the feet)
First Position (Premiere Position)
In this position the feet form one line, heels touching one another.
Second Position (Seconde Position)
The feet are on the same line but with a distance of about one foot between the heels.
Third Position (Troisieme Position)
In the third position one foot is in front of the other, heels touching the middle of the other foot.
Forth Position (Quatrieme Position)
In the forth position the placement of the feet is similar to the third position, the feet being parallel and separated by the length of one foot.
Fifth Position (Cinquieme Position)
The feet are crossed so that the first joint of the big tow shows beyond either heel.
My passion was, and still is Ballet.
All time favourite is Romeo and Juliet.
Favourite dancers, Darcey Bussell, english ballerina with The Royal Ballet... and Roberto Bolle (yeah !!  Italian, the most wonderful Romeo EVER!
Really .... Tasty Pics of Roberto !!!!!!
There are five basic positions of the feet in classical ballet, and every step or movement is begun and ended in one or another of these positions, which were established by Pierre Beauchamp, maitre de ballet of the Academie Royale de Musique et de Danse from 1671 to 1687.
Roberto Bolle
Darcey Bussell
Bras, positions des (Positions of the arms)
Bras au repos (French method)
First position
(French method)
Second position
(French method)
Third position
(French method)
Forth position
(French method)
Fifth position
(French method)
Although the positions of the feet are standard in all methods, the positions of the arms are not, each method having its own set of arm positions.
Methods include Cechetti method,  The French School and The Russian School.
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