Jim Mahfood
~~artist unknown~~
Greg Schigiel
Jim did the art for the Gen X Underground one shot, he does some lovely lovely cartooning. pic from Kindred Spirits
I dont know who did this, but God its lovely. From the back cover art of Generation X Annual 96 pic from Uncannyxmen.net
A very cute Chamber, & check out those bangs! How does he see? pics  from X-Men Unlimited
Ed Mcguiness & Tim Townsend
A nice group pinup. pic from Proudstar Hall
this pic was the intro page to Half A Face, a great Chamber site that sadly is no longer online. Unfortunately I havent been able to contact the webmaster to ask for permission to post this here, but I couldnt help it, I had to put this pic...somewhere! Its just too damn fabulous.
Marvel please put Steve on a Chamber comic now! From Steve Rolston's personal site
Steve Rolston
Someone scanned the cover of one of the Gen-X novels- from BKV.com forums
hey look its Skin! & New Mutant knockoff unis!
this Gen X/Gen 13 crossover has the only Salva art of Chamber that I know of, from way early in his career. This is from the back cover...
Salvador Larrocca
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