Jubilee- So Sparky...
Chamber- Jonothan. My name is Jonothan
Jubilee- so Jonothan... welcome to Generation X.
-from Generation X #1
It had nothing to do with words, Sunshine.
...And everything to do...with trust.
Nobody wants to be alone. Not even we monsters
-explaining to Jubilee how he got thru to Penance
Synch- That worked out easy enough. Now if they can tell us what we're doing here wearing Irish kilts?
Chamber- Scottish. Kilts are Scottish. The landscape is Irish. The knights wore English armor. You yanks 'avent got a clue about anything outside yer own culture.
Synch- Scottish? Really? You learn something new everyday.
Chamber- Sigh.
during their fight in the fairy realm
Chamber- now come on, I always apologize better on a full stomach.
Husk- But... you dont eat
Chamber- Oh, rub it in.
-during Chambers stay at Paige's home in Kentucky
He's afraid of you, Jono. He's not used to fightin' someone...that wont drop dead on his say so. Go after him...and drag his candy but back here in a sling.
-Skin after Omega Red attacks Gen X
Skin- now shut up, here comes a car. Don't forget to smile.
Chamber- very funny.
hitchhiking their way to L.A
He stared at me with eyes that are like the mirrors of my own longing. He has no voice for what he feels for me, his lips are the stuff of stars and galaxies, his tongue a cosmic whisper. I ache for the wholeness that cannot be. My ears strain for the unspoken words that lurk beneath his marble brow; his testament of undying love....
-Tracy reading from Paige's diary, teehee! ^_^
Im not following a gin-soaked cartoon into a loo that glows in the dark!
-the Pooka /M-plate arc, 'nuff said
Go tell them about your throat. And remember...mine feels worse.
after rescuing a little girl with a sore throat
Well, here we are again, old chap. Just you & me on a monster's holiday.
-in front of a bathroom mirror on Halloween night
much as I'd like to, I can't stop Paige from goin' out with you. But if you cause her even the slightest discomfort--well, lets just say my powers have a nasty habit of blowing blokes' faces off.
to Tristan after Paige agrees to go on a date with him
Something's not working right in your cabeza lady! You definately got some chairs missing from your dinette set... and this kid has got a bon fire where his mouth should be!
-mini golf course manager to Emma after he see's Chamber sans scarf
Oh my... You are grotesque, arent you?
We hang our souls upon our faces... so would that mean you have half a soul?
Say something else, little boy... I enjoy the sound of your voice bouncing around my brain like a pinball... Did you ever play pinball?
Ive had a million beautiful nightmares... but they never came to life... until tonight.
Colby Lee, a performance artist who Sugar Cane introduces to Chamber at a party
woman at party- Do you know Simon Silva? He's got a pair of horns right here... He's had them since he was fourteen.
Chamber- Lady, we don't all know each other!
-from Poptopia arc
Langhagen(Nightcrawler's pal from the circus days)- But I must ask you, does Herr Chamber eat?
Chamber- Mir Geth Es Gut, Danke
this is from the Uncanny issue where Kurt & Jono wind up in the Alps after teleporting out of an exploding plane. translated, he said- "I am fine, thank you." The following panel shows Kurt smiling at Jono's attempt at some German. Sweet scene. ^_^
Stacy X- Not bad... I'm impressed. You got a lotta energy tucked up under those leathers, huh?
after watching Jono blow away a mind controlled aquatic giant during the Vanisher/mutant gene drug arc
House Music. Puh-leeze...!
at a rave with Stacy X to find out about the mutant gene drug
Besides mumbling telepathically, what do you do? Model turtlenecks?
-Walter, after meeting Chamber, his new college roomie...
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