B r i t  S l a n g
Translation Guide
Ever read some of Jono's dialouge & thought, huh?  What'd he say??? Especially in the early Gen X issues with all that outdated cockney language, some of his dialouge sounded downright alien. Well Ive done you all the favor to set up this handy little translation guide for all of Jono's "brit speak". ^_^
At the end of the word's definition Ive added  the issues the word was said, except for words that are used alot like "gel"
blinkin'- used as a mild intensifier
Gen X # 34, 41
loo- bathroom Gen X #36 & Gen X Annual 98
bloody or ruddy- both meant to be used in the same way, to express annoyance
luv a duck- an exclamation of surprise Gen X #20
pillock- fool, idiot Gen X #1
bugger- an objectionable person Gen X Annual 97
plonker- a fool or an idiot, & it also means penis. Amazing what the Marvel editors will miss sometimes (especially when its unfamiliar slang) Gen X #22
bollocks-er, this word can actually have several different meanings depending on how its used in combination with other words, but in general(& especially in Jono's case), it usually means "drivel, nonsense, or rubbish", & if used as an exclamation is also an expression of anger or resentment. Gen X #18 Chamber Icon #1
slumming it- to live without the usual pleasures Uncanny X-Men #395
snogger- kisser Chamber Icon #2
chippy- girl Gen X #7 sod off or naff off- exclamations for "go away, leave" GEN X #5 & Uncanny X-Men # 396 respectively
gel- couldnt find this, but Im sure its just meant to be "girl"
stone me- an exclamation of surprise Uncanny X-Men #400 Uncanny X-Men #407
gogglebox- television Gen X#5
strewth- an exclamation of surprise, annoyance or frustration. Derived from "God's truth." Gen X #20
gor- this I think is a shortened form of the expression "gor blimey" which is itself a variation of "God blind me!"
sunshine- a form of address, i suppose like how we say "sweetie"?
Gordon Bennet- an exclamation of anger or surprise. This link explains in better detail about how the phrase came to be used...
summat- something  GenX # 39
wanker- contemptible person or an idiot.  but primarily its a vulgar term for masturbator...
gov'nor- a term of address, like "sir"  Gen X #10 ,21
Adapted with permission from A Dictionary of Slang by Ted Duckworth
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