
From Bob Cuffe:
 "Ray Caple was already working as Les Bowie’s Matte Artist and had been trained by him from an early age. He was a gifted painter and modeller and did his own camera work. Many mattes from Bowie’s were painted and put together by Ray. Unfortunately, Ray died from illness in about 1989(?). I shared all the matte work at Bowie’s with Ray."

From Martin Body:
"I worked with Ray Caple on 'Battle of Britain' and later on some commercials, when he did a number of paintings for Peerless Camera Co., where I currently work.
Ray combined them on his own camera set up, helped by his partner, who was a pretty good matte painter in her own right.s.
Ray Caple's tragic death in, I think, the early nineties, came as something of a shock. Some months before that, a Moy Head (a particularly heavy camera mount) dropped on his foot, causing severe damage. This was obviously very painful and the painkilling medication he was on unfortunately masked a growing stomach ulcer, which burst and he died.

 I first worked with Ray on 'Battle of Britain' in 1969, at a company called Lowndes Film Technical Services Ltd.  The company was owned by Harry Saltzman and run by Ray.  I believe that Wally Veevers had an interest in it too.

After Lowndes Film Technical Services folded in 1970, we all went our separate ways.  Ray worked as a freelance matte painter after that.  I didn't see him for many years, then Peerless Camera Company used him to do a number of matte paintings on commercials.  That would have been in the early 1990's and he carried out all the painting and camera work at his premises in Maidenhead."

Painting of a fleet of ships  for "The battle of Britain" (1969)



-Treasure Island (1990) (TV) (matte artist)
-Batman (1989) (matte artist: visual effects unit)
-Spies Like Us (1985) (matte painter)
-Brazil (1985) (matte artist)
-Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) (matte artist)
-Prisoners of the Lost Universe (1983) (TV) (optical effects)
-Time Bandits (1981) (matte paintings)
-Chariots of Fire (1981) (matte artist)
-"The Martian Chronicles" (1980) (mini) TV Series (matte artist)
-Alien (1979) (matte artist)
-Circle of Iron (1978) (mattes)
-Superman (1978) (matte artist)
-Satyam Shivam Sundaram: Love Sublime (1978) (special effects)
-The Slipper and the Rose (1976) (special effects)
-Battle of Britain (1969) (special effects)

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