
Her first job out of Art school was working on Thunderbirds  (1964) as a sculptor with Derek Meddings.
"I worked in the Sculptors workshop of AP FILMS producing the heads for the puppets.
I worked  on the baddies etc who appeared in different episodes not the stars whowere already made
when I joined AP Films. Derek and Brian were on the special Effects Stage, I was not actually working along side them."

At 1967 she was building the moon sets for Stanley Kubrick "2001".  She was Miss Joy Seddon then.
"I was introduced to Bob Cuff in 1964 by Brian Johnson (who was then Brian Johncock working on Thunderbirds with Derek
Meddings) when I  did some work on a Hammer Film 'SHE'."
She married his son in 1969.

- Erik The Viking (1989)  (matte painting)
- Adventures of  Baron Munchausen (1988) (matte painting)
1971 - 1988 various- designing, producing camera-ready artwork for miniature sets. Illustrations and paintings for Feature Films, Commercial Advertising Companies and Theatre.
- Brancusi (1975) (Design layout of title sequence and main titles)
- Like other people (1973) (Design & layout of title sequence)
- Family life (1971) (Design, layout, artwork for title sequence.)
- The Body (1970) (Design & layout of title sequence)
- The Dance of Death ( oil painting portraits of Geraldene McKewan)
- Mackenna´s Gold (1969) (matte painting, Artwork for inserts,  model of Gregory Pecks horse.)
 - 2001, space odyssey (1968) (model maker)(uncredited)

" I built the moon landscape and I worked as assistant to Bob Cuff on the
matte shots  - we used the unprocessed film, in the can, from the live
action shooting at Shepperton Studios. 2001 was later moved to MGM at
Borehamwood. Bob left the picture many months before me and I continued
to build the model sets which were used as establishing shots of moon
surface or out of the moonbus window."

"The shot of the monolith in a pit on the moon was shot at a weekend
this 10 min of shot of live action from Shepperton took a day to shoot.
Shot at 2 frames per second. The table top model was the landscape with
the pile of earth beside the pit which was matted on to the live action of
the space men walking down into the pit to look at the monolith."

1967 - 1970 Abacus Productions Assistant to Art Director Bob Cuff. Design/finished artwork for cameras, packshots etc miniature set building, painted backings etc for TV Advertising and Features.

-  The vengeance of SHE (1966)(designing and building of the temple entrance - sculpted the head of Ursula Andress)

-  FAHRENHEIT 451 (1966)
-  She (1965) (prop maker)
- "Thunderbirds" (1964) TV Series (model maker) (uncredited)

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