
Spanish art director born at Oviedo 1936, who begun his carrer as prop maker and scenic artist working for TV comercials  during the 60´s. He worked as assitent art director for TV series
He often worked for director Juan Piquer Simon, who produced his first feature film  "when time begun" at 1976.
Gonzalo Gonzalo  was enlisted on his team as model maker and scenic artist working under Francisco Prosper and Emilio Ruiz supervision.
He worked as art director and miniature supervisor on films as "Slugs"(1989) and "The endless descent"(1989).
At 1993 art director Felix Murcia asked him for a glass shot in location trick, and he executed a painting on  aluminun cut out for the movie "la vida lactea / The milky life"(1993).

Gonzalo Gonzalo working on  a ship model for the movie "Mistery on the island of the monsters"(1980)

Seated on red dress, Gonzalo during the filming of a miniature for "Los nuevos extraterrestres"(1983)

The cut out paintng on location at the Portuguese coast, near Lisboa.

The final view of  Gonzalo Gonzalo´s  painting.

The coastal village witch was cover by a second painting.



    - Cuentame como pasó ( TV serie)(2000-05)(art director)
    - Los ladrones van a la oficina (TV serie)(1994-06)(art director)
    - La vida láctea(1993) (matte painter)
    - El robobo de la jojoya (1992) (art director)
    - Demasiado corazon (1992) (art director)
    - Cine por un tubo(1990)(tv)(art director/ miniatures)
    - La grieta /The endless descent (1989)(art director/ miniatures)
    - Slugs(1988)(art director/ miniatures)
    - Lorca muerte d eun poeta(1987) TV serie (asistent art director)
    - Romanza final (1986)(asistent art director)
    - Marbella un golpe de cinco estrellas /Hot spot(1985)(asistent art director)
    - Feroz (1983)(asistent art director)
    - Los zancos (1984)(asistent art director)
    - Los nuevos extraterrestres(1983) (model maker)
    - Pieces (1982)  (asistent art directir)
    - Las picaras (1982) TV serie (asistent art director)
    - Los diablos del mar (1981)(model maker)
    - Misterio en la isla de los monstruos (1980)(model maker)
    - Supersonic man(1979)(model maker)
    - Escalofrio (1978) (asist art director)
    - Viaje al centro de la Tierra/ When time begun(1977)(model maker)

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