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If you would like to make a booking  contact us by
Email with subject titled BOOKINGS with "Way of Life Ministry"
We serve the Lord Jesus Christ together and have been called into His Apostolic and Prophetic ministry.

Our call is to arouse and to awaken the sons of God to assist in their maturity.
That, they, as the Priesthood of believers. In obedience to God, minister and prepare the way for His coming Kingdom here on earth, as it is in Heaven.

We do not charge for this ministry, and will endeavour to go wherever in this Nation  with whatever    provisions God allows us.

God richly blesses you as you serve Him.
Terry and Dian

It has been brought to our attention that some bookings haven't reached us, as our address is Yahoo, many Emails go to the SPAM file which we delete, please when sending us an Email type in your subject.
BOOKING with "Way of Life Ministry"
If you have been one who has tried to contact us, and we haven't replied. Please accept our sincere apoligies. and Email us again as suggested above, bless you and thank you.
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