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into the heavens for one last ride. Then with a wild screech of pain and disappointment, she dives out from under him and flies away, leaving him to drop to his death on the rocks far below.
Eagle saints have a special training all their own. The flutter of His wings make us think sometimes that He is going to beat us to death. But the Bible says that if we do not receive His chastisement, it is a good sign that we are not Sons. When we are finally willing to leave the nest, trusting completely upon Him, then He takes us into heights of glory never before experienced. Well, everything seems wonderful, and we are rejoicing in our new and glorious experiences. Then suddenly the bottom drops out, and He is not there. As we drop from the dizzy heights of glory to the depths of gloom and despair, we flop our feeble wings desperately and unsuccessfully, and wonder why God has left us to perish like this. Suddenly He is there! And as He bears us on eagles wings back into the heavens, our strength and joy returns. Only to find that the process must be repeated. Over and over, until finally we find ourselves able to use our God-given "wings" and be sustained on high by the power of His strength within.
But some that are offered Sonship, as eagle saints, refuse to move into this realm. They rebel against the processing of God. They resent being placed in the furnace of fire. They love the nest on high, the safety of His wings, but they despise the chastening, the discipline, the necessity of learning to stand alone in the heavenlies. He is patient. He is longsuffering. He works with them, giving them chance after chance. But some will not learn, will not yield their rebellious spirits to His will. So He finally leaves them to fall to destruction on the craggy rocks of a carnal earthly nature. You have seen them, and so have I. And I have wondered how that those who once soared among the stars could have fallen so low and come to such an end. How could some who had such revelation, such marvelous gifts and ministries, have come to the place where they could accept such heretical doctrines of devils? Or cheapen their ministry and sell out the gift of God for fame and fortune? It has happened, and you know it. It does not make the true revelation of the Spirit any less true. Nor does it take away from the reality of the Gift God had given them. It had been better if they had remained as chickens, in the safety of the barnlot. But they had prayed to be eagles, and God answered. But the tests had brought out the rebellious nature that would not submit wholly to the dealings and discipline of the Holy Ghost. And they fell. Now a chicken may fall off his roost, or off the chicken house, but he never falls far. For he never rises to great heights. But when an eagle falls, he falls a long way and is seen by many. But it is necessary, beloved, for there must be no rebels among those who make their nests on the tops of the mountains and soar above the storm clouds.
Learning to Move in Heavenly Places
Those who ruse with Christ must rule from the heavens. For that is where the throne is. Many sing "I�ll fly away�," and dream of a rapture by and by that will carry them from this sin cursed earth, past the moon and into the wild blue heavens to some geographical spot in this physical universe to a big supper all set and loaded with goodies for them to eat. And they know nothing of the purposes of God for His eagle saints who will actually be caught up to the throne to rule and reign. But the time is at hand. And the Spirit is unveiling and revealing hidden secrets from His Word to those who are called to the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. So He is teaching us to move in heavenly places. And sometimes it is terrifying. But His glorious Presence is there, comforting and reassuring. Praise God!
The chicken yard is very confining. You can go so far, and no farther. The Plymouth Rocks stay in the Plymouth Rock pens, and the Rhode Island Reds remain in their allotted place. It would be scandalous if Farmer Brown�s hens slipped over to Farmer Jones and ate his corn, or laid their eggs in the wrong place. It doesn�t matter if you are in the Methodist pen, or Baptist, or Pentecostal, or whatever. You may cackle and crow about the advantages in your particular chicken yard over the others, but just be sure and remain within your set confines.
Not so the eagles. No chicken yard could hold him. Put him in a cage and he will wither and die He can only live and find happiness in the freedom of the uncovered heavens. There is lots of room where the eagles gather. Unlimited revelation. Truth flows like a mighty River. No creeds, bylaws, or rigid statement of beliefs to separate the body of Christ. Sweet fellowship with all who dwell in this place, and no divisive man-made boundaries exist. Heavenly worship, gifts of the Spirit, and glorious deliverances are the order of the day here. The dull monotonous routine of a "chicken-yard" religious system is forever a thing of the past for those who rise on the wings of eagles into this place in God. What a variety of glorious treasures in the Holy Ghost there are for those who dare to believe, and who "are the called according to His purpose."
The Ishmaels and the Isaacs
Some cannot believe this to be true. "We know what we now have," they say. "We can see it, and at least it is something if not very much. But we cannot see this fantastic dream you are wishing for. A Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and we will not leave this present order while we cannot see anything better in existence." Yes, Abraham had Ishmael. Isaac was only a promise. But he was a
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