First there are the eyes within, that search the inward parts. The prophet Jeremiah gives a true picture when he says: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" But the answer comes in the next verse: "I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins (Jeremiah 17:9-10)."
No man really knows what is in his own heart, until God tries him and puts him to the test. But God is putting a people through the fire today, and the light is revealing the condition of hearts. Saints who had always thought they were so very holy and clean, now are finding out that all the time there have been spirits imbedded deep within their very nature they had never before recognized. Horrible is the revelation, but a very necessary one. For to see one�s self is to draw back in revulsion and disgust and to cry to God for deliverance. And for the work that is to be done in this age, God must have a truly holy people.
In Job chapter 42 the man of God suddenly sees the glory of God and also his own self-righteousness, and his whole attitude changes. Then deliverance comes. He says: "Therefore have I uttered that I understood not: things too wonderful for me, which I knew not� I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth Thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. For more than 30 chapters of this book Job steadfastly maintains his innocence and righteousness. But when he meets God face to face, he suddenly sees that his worst sin has been his own self-righteousness. He has blamed God for all his troubles, and has not been able to see himself. But he gets his "eagle vision," and suddenly the eyes within begin to see his own Adam nature for what it is. Then can God bring him out of all his troubles and difficulties.
Isaiah was a revered prophet of God. He talked with God, was heard by the nation, and walked in king�s courts. But one day (Isaiah 6) he got a vision of God, and also the eyes within saw what Isaiah looked like in the eyes of God. And this godly old man cried out in his misery: "Woe is me! For I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts." Praise God for the eyes within and without, for immediately there came a cleansing and deliverance! Notice the sequence. First came the operation of the eyes within, then the eyes without could do their work. After he had seen his own undone condition and confessed it, then he could see the condition of the people and minister to them. But not before. Too many are trying to cast demons out of others today while their own lives are full of bad spirits� jealousy, envy, greed, malice, fear, etc. See what happened to the sons of Sceva in Acts 19:13 when they tried to cast demons out of someone else before they had been to the Cross for themselves. "Cast the beam out of thine own eye, then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother�s eye."
Think it not strange when you begin to see things in your life which you could never have admitted being guilty of. You see, Hebrews 6:7-8 tells us that the same rain that brings forth "herbs meet for them for whom it is dressed" also brings forth thorns and briars. Plow up a garden spot and you will see what I mean. During the cold, dark winter the frozen ground will produce nothing, either good or bad. But when the good seed is planted and the warm spring rains come, up comes every kind of weed imaginable. Where did they come from? How did they get into the soil if you didn�t plant them? They were there all the time, but needed the plowing and the warm rains to bring them forth. So the same latter rains of revival that bring forth the true fruit of the Spirit in our lives, also brings forth every ugly hidden thing that has lain dormant within and never been exposed or come to light. Then comes true deliverance, as we see our need and call upon God. For God must have and will have a people who will be "holy even as He is holy."
Watchman of the Wall
True eagle saints also have sharp clear vision outwardly, and the enemy cannot penetrate their defences. Jesus is the perfect example and pattern. No one ever deceived him with smooth flattering words. No pious hypocrite ever survived under that piercing gaze. Even one of his own disciples was filled with the devil, but Jesus was not deceived. No matter that he was one of the leaders, and cast out devils in the name of Jesus. His innermost thoughts and intents of the heart was manifest in the sight of that great Captain of the Eagle Saints.
This is a safeguard God has provided for the Church. See how a man and wife brought their deceitful gift to the Church, expecting to share equally with the others, but not willing to consecrate all as the others had. Was the Church deceived? No. For the eye of the eagle was there, "beholding afar off." And their sins was discovered and judgment came. Hypocrites and sinners "durst not join themselves to them," for the secrets of men�s hearts were made manifest. What a glorious testimony! 1 Corinthians 14:25 declares that this operation is for the local church, to be a part of every service if necessary� For the Bible says that when an unbeliever comes in your midst the saints will speak out the very secrets of his heart "Thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth" Do you see such as this in the local churches now? Not often. But I tell you of a truth, beloved, that it is coming. For eagle saints are
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