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Often breakthroughs, of healing of our bodies and soul come by serving others.

We can testify that Dian's physical healing and Terry's soul comfort and healing came while attending and serving others, however, in whatever way your blessings from God come.

Keep in mind.

Ephesians 6:8
Whatever good anyone does, he will receive his reward from the Lord.

This I believe also tells us that we, as a people, should never put any conditions on our giving or receiving, for our reward is from the Lord Himself.

2Corinthians 9:6 further say:
He who sows generously will also reap generously and with blessings.

God really challenged us in 2002, in Isaiah 58. on the contrast between true and false worship right and wrong fasting.
Please read Isaiah 58 in your bible.

He has put upon our hearts the need for ministry of servitude and  helps to be birthed within the household of God's faithful, we want to encouraging the body to help the body, in every area of one another's  needs.

Helpers in every aspect of life, spiritual, physical, emotional and financial. When we are able to live our lives, in serving,  receiving and helping one another.  We believe that such a
'Way of Life" will become like a magnet that will help draw all men to Jesus, when they see your love and care for one  another. As a "Way fo Life"

John 12:24:
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If any one serves me, he must follow me, and where I am, there shall my servant be also, if any one serves me, the Father will honour him.

As we serve and help others, it ministers to our soul, as we receive and testify by our word, the world will see the goodness of The Lord Jesus Christ in and through His sons.

Gods promise to us, is found in:
Psalms 66:16
"Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare. What He hath done for my soul. KJV.

It is an invitation to our communities, to our  world, to come and see what God has done, and see how  awesome His works done, through the son's of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe that the Holy Spirit will be so manifested in our midst, that as we will Glorify God, by our word and actions,   by living an unselfish "Way of Life"  that all men will be able to say, not what we have done.  But. 

�Come and see what God has done�
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