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I had been a Christian for most of my life, in fact I even knew that God wanted me to preach the gospel from when I was only 6.  But there was always something missing!

Then one night I became so frustrated with what I was doing, and I heard this preacher say �God is no respecter of persons� �the second person on the honour roll of faith in the bible was Rahab � a prostitute; so if God is willing to count her precious then He wants to count you precious, and give you his best; what you have to do is surrender to what he wants for your life!!�

I went up there and said to God �God. I don�t care what you want to do with me � just do it!!�  God opened up my head and poured in His anointing oil, it went all the way to my toes and came up through my heart and out my mouth in a language I didn�t understand, and after 15 minutes all my frustration was gone.

From that day on God gave me insight into what he wanted to say to people and how to pray for them. One day my wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor; God said, �Pray and cast out the sickness in Jesus name� I thought I can�t heal anyone and God said �no , but I can�

In obedience I prayed. The next day a new set of Cat scans showed the lines where the tumor had been � but NO TUMOR. The radiologist did 3 scans before he would believe what he was seeing � my wife has never had a trace of the violent headaches or any other symptoms , ten years have passed.  FRIEND � GOD IS REAL- HE CAN DO ANYTHING!!

A personal note from Terry and Dian, we have know these two beautiful people since 1984, and know first hand, GOD DID  miraculous heal his wife.

This man we recognized, as a true prophet of God, we have seen and experienced prophecies through him come to pass, two such prophecies were over us.

Sadly, even today the prophets of God are still being persecuted, and feared and rejected in the many denominations,  but these two  remain faithful and true to the Father, our most Holy God.
One day the Father will say to them. Well done my good and faithful servant.
Dear Friends

Here is a remarkable story and one well worth publicising. As the Bible says �The fool hath said in his heart there is no God�. Amongst the many stories of the Tsunami this has got to be one of the best.
God Protects His own!

We know that 80% of the town of Meulaboh in Aceh was destroyed by the Tsunami waves and 80% of the people also died. This is one of the towns that was hit the hardest.
But there is a fantastic testimony from Meulaboh. In that town are about 400 Christians.
They wanted to celebrate Christmas on December 25th but were not allowed to do so by the Muslims of Meulaboh. They were told if they wanted to celebrate Christmas they needed to go outside the city of Meulaboh on a high hill and there celebrate Christmas.

Because the Christians desired to celebrate Christmas the 400 believers left the city on December 25th and after they celebrated Christmas they stayed overnight on  the hill.
As we all know the morning of December 26 there was the earthquake followed by the Tsunami waves destroying most of the city of Meulaboh and thousands were killed.
The 400 believers were on the mountain and were all saved from destruction.
Now the Muslims of Meulaboh are saying that the God of the Christians punished us for forbidding the Christians from celebrating Christmas in the city. Others are questioning why so many Muslims died while not even one of the Christians died there.

Had the Christians insisted on their rights to celebrate Christmas in the city, they would have all died. But because they humbled themselves and followed the advice of the Muslims they all were spared destruction and can now testify of God's marvelous protection.
This is a testimony of the grace of God and the fact that as believers we have no rights in the world. Our right is come before God and commit our lives to Him. Our right is kneeling down before the Lord almighty and commit our ways to Him. He is our Father and is very capable to care for His children. Praise the Name of the Lord.
Bill Hekman

Pastor Calvary Life Fellowship in Indonesia

This page is especially designed for you it is a safe place where you can contribute in Glorifying God,by the word of your Testimony.

Email your testimony to us and if it is for God and His Glory we will add your Testimony to this webpage.
So that you too, are given the opportunity to Glorify Him
On the World Wide Web.
That all may come and read and say.

"Come and see what God has done"
We only add your name,  if you ask  us to do, so please state your preference when you Email us . God bless you each one.  Jesus Loves you)

My Testimony        Fay Spencer-Smith

The testimony which has impacted my life would lie in the past 3� years.  It was when I became very ill�out of the blue; what with going through trying to keep my husband Doug home with me as long as I could with his Alzheimer's; he is still in low-level care��praise the Lord�.  Suddenly my life had changed, I was not well enough to cope with both problems. 

Thanks to Merrawyn�s help with both of us it has been a God blessing experience.  This last time I fell sick was a real shock, seeing it was due to being on a heart medication for too long a period; it poisoned my thyroid and has caused all sorts of problems to do with heart rate and metabolism.  I already had a pre-existing blood condition, which is complicating and gets worse with cold and flu viruses; including getting too cold.

I feel I really must say that while lying in the hospital flat on my back I came to terms with my dear Lord.  I had no control over our circumstances and I just let the Lord take over my life.  I am totally in His wonderful care.   He has given Doug peace at the hostel and he is in good health.  The Lord has moved him so close to us �praise His name�.  So, I have peace there, as sad as it all seems.  The Lord gave me that inner healing to cope without feeling guilty at not being able to care for him. 

We never know what is around the corner and to put all your trust in Jesus no matter what comes.  He sees us through�as He promises to do.  �What a Saviour & redeemer we have.�  Loving friends that care and pray for me keep me in a very loving warmth.  I can trust Him until the end, that is His promise.  I have enjoyed my life.  Most of the time I had good foundational Bible teaching.  We must do our part in our life-time too.  I can most certainly say in all assurance that the Lord Jesus does care and His little blessings He showers upon my life are so precious.  I love the Angels He shows me and being close to Him.  He does talk to your mind � rather like telepathy.  There are instantly  answered  prayers; some others take time. 

Praying and reading the living Word are the secret to a sound Christian walk. 

My warning is, to remember Lot�s wife. 
                                       Genesis 19:26
�Do not look back�.
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