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Copyright 2010 Chris Clark Davidson. All Rights Reserved.
Hello, my pen name is Chris Clark Davidson and I hope you enjoy your visit here.
Hopefully these pages will introduce us somewhat and perhaps even give you a small look into my life.
Do you have dreams, or a fantasy that seems too good to be true?
What about time, have you ever daydreamed about what could happen if time-travel were really possible? Imagine the concept of the limitless paths one could take and the do-overs!
These novels and short story collections explore scifi, yet romantic fantasy, the very notion of "What if by changing certain subtle perhaps even insignificant occurrences, you totally rewrite history? Would you try anyway? Would you dare?"
And ... "What if traveling through time would enable you to meet the one person you know you could spend the rest of your life with, would you go?"
So sit back, enjoy the sights, peruse at your leisure, and welcome to the land of my imagination.

Be swept away
The Books to Date.
An Excerpt.