An excerpt from "A Time For Everything"
           "A few scenes of interest."
              © Chris Clark Davidson
         (From the Prologue)

	He shook himself out of his cogitative state and concentrated on the final 

preparations. He tightened his harness one more notch. The control panel was right in 

front of him but he hesitated, staring at it for a moment. He had been monitoring the

pre-travel warm-up. Then he fired up the ignition switches in sequence and clenched his 

jaw determinedly. He was leaving.

	He set the counter to her time and hit execute. After a sudden burst of

speed and light, he slowly faded away.
(From Chapter Sixteen) Marc woke with the birds, dressed quickly, and drove to the bakery. He wanted this day to be perfect. Breakfast muffins to go with the special blend of coffee he brought would be a great start. He intended to spend the whole day with Lily, teach his last class, and then, sadly, travel forward to his own time.
She greeted him at the door with a big hug. “Good morning, Marc Honey.”
“Morning.” He handed her the coffee. “And I brought breakfast, too, milady.”
“Mmmm fantastico. C’mon, let’s get this stuff brewing.” Lily bore a more cheerful countenance then she felt inside. She was sure he would be leaving today.
“Lily,” he began, “would you like to go with me to pick out a new watch? I really could use your advice on a good, sturdy timepiece. Not just any one will do... I need one that will exist for at least a hundred years.”
“A hundred years?” Lily echoed, mystified. “Whatever for? Are you thinking about starting an heirloom?”
“I’ll tell you all about it when I return.” He took her hand in his, and gave it a gentle squeeze. “So do you want to go?”
They spent the whole morning searching store after store. But for one reason or another, Marc just was not satisfied with the watches on display he had seen.
Finally, he found one that both he and Lily favored. It was an old-style engineer’s watch and it was ideal for the purpose Marc had in mind.
Lily smiled her approval as he purchased it. But while he handled the monetary part of the deal, Lily became distracted and drifted away briefly to another case on the other side of the store. Taking advantage of her absence, Marc quickly purchased another item he had his eye on, and was able to sneak the case into his pocket before she returned.
He chuckled softly over the sheer timing of the whole covert operation, and the jeweler winked conspiratorially. So by the time Lily returned to where he stood, it was a done deal.
“All set?”
“Yes, I do believe I have found exactly what I was looking for.” He smiled down at her, his heavy spirit lifting for the moment.
It was lunchtime, so Marc took her to an elegant Italian restaurant, where they dined and talked for a while. Then when they finished, they took a long walk in the park. While there, Marc pulled out a small camera and asked a passerby to snap their picture. He readily agreed and they posed for several frames.
They did a little bit of everything that day, and were saddened when the daylight began to wane.
Marc took Lily home and promised to be back as soon as his class was over. Then he drove to his shop and taught the final lesson. When it was over, he reminded them about the secondary course and many signed up for it. Soon he bid them goodbye and returned home to find his lady.
She greeted him on the porch and they went inside to sit on the sofa. Marc took both her hands in his and told her softly, “I hope you know how much I love you. You—and you alone—are the only reason I am here. And as soon as I can possibly arrange it, I will be back with you again.” He sighed. “I must leave you tonight… but I think you already know this.”
Lily nodded sadly. “Yes… I know, Marc… I could tell.”
He pulled a little case out of his pocket. “Honey, when I get back, I will have something very important to ask you. But in the meantime...” He opened the case, and explained, “I have something to link us together in a way that will span space and time no matter how near or how far apart we are.” His smile was bittersweet. “Here is a heart that is in two parts. Together it is whole and complete but apart it is a symbolic reminder that we need to be joined together again soon. While we are separated I hope you will keep my heart safe, just as I will keep yours.”
Lily’s fingertips caressed the heart, and her eyes filled to the brim with unshed tears. “Oh Marc, I will... for always.”
He leaned down to brush her lips with his then finished with, “The rest of this scenario is… we will both wear one of these chains with half a heart. And when we are reunited, our hearts will be as one again.”
“Oh Marc,” Lily said again, as she felt him place the chain around her neck.
He leaned down to kiss her near the clasp of the chain. Then he whispered huskily, “You have my heart. You always have had my heart. And this I promise you... I will be back before you know it.”
She turned and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him as tightly as she could. Marc returned her embrace, never wishing to let go. They both knew he would be leaving soon, though.
Lily picked up the case and took out the second part of the heart. She gently kissed it then carefully placed the chain around his neck. When she hooked the clasp, he turned to face her and she gazed deeply into his eyes.
“Now you have my heart, too…” she told him, “and please… please come home to me as soon as you can.”
She slid back into his embrace, and he kissed her with all the emotion she stirred in him. Lily clung to him tightly, returning his kiss with the same fervor. She pressed totally against him, wanting to be as close as possible.
“Lily...” Feeling every part of her pressed against him caused his senses to run wild. It actually scared him just how much he needed this woman.
She took him by the hand and led him outside into the cool night air. Marc closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He exhaled then breathed deeply again. When his head cleared, he turned and gazed deeply into her eyes, searching for the stars again. He found them and they blazed so brightly for him, he felt like he could almost reach the heavens.
“Do you know what you do to me, woman?”
“I’m beginning to understand.”
“We need to have a very serious conversation when I return.”
“I agree, Marc. We do.”
He had much more to say and very little time left before he needed to travel that evening, so he spoke quickly. “Honey, you must promise me you won’t let Reed anywhere near you. But if for some reason he finds you anyhow, please immediately inform the local law enforcement officers.”
“All right, Marc, I promise. If he shows up, I’ll call the police.”
“One more thing, about this watch...” He placed it in her hand. “Please keep it for me until I return. And I would greatly appreciate it if you would stash it in the hidden compartment of your father’s desk. Would you do this for me?”
“Well… sure...”
“Thanks Honey. And please... leave it there no matter what. Okay? I will explain it all when I return.”
Lily agreed but was totally confused by his words.
Marc walked her back to her door, and kissed her one more time. Then he waited as she went inside. “Lock the door now, please. Take good care of yourself, Milady, while I’m gone.”
“I will, Marc.”
“Farewell, Lily.”
“Goodbye, my love.”
Chapter Seventeen Marc took a long last look across the meadow toward Lily’s home, sighed deeply then climbed into his traveling conveyance. He strapped himself in securely, tightening the belts to the furthest notch he could. The panel that contained the control switches was open in front of him, and he monitored the pre-travel warm-up. He fired the ignition switches in sequence then checked the gages. He set the counter for one month after his initial departure, even though it had been much longer span. The reason being he would have less of an explanation to produce, should he have the misfortune of being discovered upon his arrival. He closed his eyes, saying a quick silent prayer then hit execute. After a sudden burst of speed and light, he slowly faded away.