

Our Thought for 2007

Whatever we are doing, in Church or at Home, with friends or Family



Midweek worship and study: Wednesdays 7Pm Eucharist followed  by Book Study " Good News People". - except 2nd Wednesday of each month.

It is not to Late to Join.


Your 2007 Church Committee

Rectors Warden: tba

Peoples Warden: Sandra Bouchard


Synod Delegate: Sandra Bouchard

Alternate Synod Delegate: Wolf Scholz

Caledonia Times rep.& Website:  Wolf Scholz

Deanery rep.& Member at Large: Karl Douglas

Alter Guild & Head Server: Angela Greenslade

Verger & Head Sides person: Tom Balfour

Verger & Member at Large: Clarence Riggs

Envelope Secretary: Diana Bonar

Sunday School: Alex Koza

PWRDF: Ann Toewes


Put Your thinking Cap on;

Can You spare some time to take part in the various functions in the Church. We need new persons to help in all kinds of functions of the Church, be it a warden or a maintenance person, or even do some clean up.

Some of the present persons have to hold back because of age or health. 

 The more people are willing to help, but are cannot be available all the time, please help as you can by putting your name on the various list,s or letting the church wardens know where can and want help.  

>>>>>>>Church Committee Meeting March 14.2007 - 7PM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Multi-level Care:  Worship Service tba.2007

Put time aside PM 


Caledonia Times

Sorry I was remiss in supplying Items and Pictures to the Caledonia Times.

Please help !!!!!! if you have pictures and stories to sent, give them to Margaret or me to submit.

Ministry of Presence

We are looking for church member with singing voices to come  about 0.5 hours early so we can practice the Hymns of the service -

NO you do not have to sit in the chorus pews during the service - just be an informed voice.  

Church Calendars

 The 2007 Church Calendars are available - cost $ 6.00 cdn and are really nice this Year.


1st of Month Potluck

Next Is April 1st .2007

Share the Food and fellowship the 1st Sunday of every month with a potluck lunch after worship. 


A Special Welcome

We Special thanks to our musician Laura Miller.


50th Anniversary

As soon I catch up with the Pictures I will try to display them here. See Picture Page - still more work to be done!

We still Like to have any Pictures, Articles or Historical Moments to complete our Albums, You wish to share, please let us know by Contacting us either by Phone, Letter or E-Mail Your participation will be greatly appreciated

We also would like to have the addresses of Former Church Members, so we can Thank them for participating in this exciting Occasion, either by thought Prayer or Donations. Your help was greatly appreciated.

Display of Pictures:**

If you do not wish to have your Picture displayed in the Picture Page - Please let Margaret or me know - so we can honor your privacy.


Sanctuary Flowers

If you would like to donate flowers for the sanctuary for Sunday worship. Please mark your name and dedication to on the sign up sheet at the rear entrance.



Our Sunday School is successfully operating and is looking for material like Magazine, Books etc with Pictures to be cut out.

also if you are in possession of old Sunday School Books, Please leave them at the Church Office.


Anniversary Cookbooks:

What a great gift idea for family and friends.

Don't forget to buy your special limited edition cookbook at just $ 5.00 .


Bulletin inserts

Please leave Bulletin insert at the back of the church after service so they can be recycled or used again in the future.


M. Lino Ananga and Family currently settling in. Let's give them a hearty Welcome. (It is a Kitimat Minstrel Project)


Missing addresses in Church Website Guestbook:

Yahoo informs the website caretaker! That if the Sender does not give the Address there will be none in the Guestbook.

updated April 6.2007 wws

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