The first question we were typically asked when telling everyone of our engagement was "How did Mike pop the big question?"  So here's the whole story as it happened!

The first step was finding a ring, which turns out to be much easier said than done!  All in all, the ring-shopping process took almost three months, with Mike having to make frequent "secret" trips to the jewelry store to check out bands and diamonds. ("Secret" is in quotation marks because Christine later confessed that she assumed that's where he was when he told her he had to "run errands" every Saturday afternoon for three months!)  But it all paid off on March 2nd, when Mike finally walked out of the store with the ring in hand and ready to go!

The next step was talking to the parents.  Mike left work a little early on Thursday, March 8th to visit Christine's family.  As expected, they were very excited and supportive and gave their blessing.  Having taken Friday (March 9th) off from work, Mike was able to catch up with his parents at the Southern Park Mall that morning to inform them of his plans.

Finally it was time to set everything up.  While visiting Christine's parents, he had asked for a key to her house.  So while Christine was at work, Mike let himself in (after hiding is car down the street) and put everything in place.  Starting at the back door, he sprinkled a trail of rose petals (along with a handful of loose roses) through the kitchen and living room and to the stairs.  The rose petals and roses continued up the stairs, along with a series of black and white photos of Christine and Mike together over the previous year and a half.  At the top of the stairs, the rose petals then led to the loft area, where Mike would be waiting on the couch with a dozen roses and the ring.

Assuming it to be another ordinary Friday afternoon, Christine left work and spent about an hour running errands, all while Mike waited nervously for her to get home!  Finally, her car pulled in and she entered the house.  Upon seeing the roses and petals, Christine dropped her mail on the floor and said "What in the world?"  The rest of her trip throughout the house was a blur (she apparently threw her jacket off onto the couch at some point, but doesn't remember doing it!)  Already in tears, she followed the trail through the living room and up the stairs into the loft.  As she did, she saw Mike for the first time.  He then dropped to a knee, held the ring up and said "I love you so much and I couldn't imagine my life without you.  Will you marry me?"  She said yes and he put the ring onto her finger.

After spending some time together admiring the ring, telling each other our stories from the day and soaking it all in, we each called our families to share the good news.  After a quick dinner break (you gotta eat, even on big days!), we went to visit each of our families.

For more pictures from our engagement day, make sure to check the PHOTO ALBUM!











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