Sustainability - Fashion's Stylish New Trend!


Thank you for visiting Anna George, the metropolitan area's designer resale hot spot! Founded in 2018 as a response to the overstuffed closets of New York City area fashionistas, Anna George is an environmentally friendly, and sustainable option where you can score not only designer fashion favorite's, but also completely unique & vintage pieces in all product categories and for all family members. In an effort to reach a larger audience than we are able to by means of our phsyical location only, we bring to you the dot com Anna George experience directly to all of our customers world-wide. We ensure that all product is authenticated and is 100% the real deal. With a team of authentication experts in all product categories, you can rest assured that Anna George will always provide you with your designer favorites at well below designer prices all while helping to eliminate the fashion industry's waste and pollution problems caused by production and the fast fashion throw away mentality. When it comes to the environment, and our precious Mother Earth, we only have one and taking care of it should be a primary focus of every one who lives on it since every little bit matters! And, when it comes to shopping Anna George, through our simplistic yet chic and clear overall design allows for you to truly see our product for what it is and feel confident in just what you will be receiving. Through consignment shopping, you are doing your part to help eliminate the impact that we as humans and consumers have on our beautiful home, so hats off to you! The purpose of Anna George and our website, is not only to highlight the pre-loved consignment designer products that the store sells but also highlights the environmental friendliness and overall sustainability that purchases of pre-owned goods contributes to versus the fast fashion industry and the harm that the throw away mentality causes. With rising concerns regarding the protection of our dear mother earth and the knowledge of how much damage that we as human beings have done due to this mindset we have, the importance of trying to stop the destruction and be a part of the solution to protect the place that we call home should be extremely important to customers, especially those with high level of purchasing power, disposable income and geographically located outside of one of the world's fashion capitals. Given that you, yes, you (hi there!) the Anna George customer is primarily females in Connecticut's southern Fairfield County and New York's surrounding West Chester County areas, between the ages of 20-65 living in households with median and high incomes, Anna George’s website has been designed to appeal to their aesthetic preferences and that in which they are familiar with. We at Anna George know you are always fashion and brand conscious as well as conscious of your environment and desire to always look fashionable and be seen as wearing products that will elevate her style game. You are educated, worldly, and generally conservative but willing to take risks to keep up with the looks showcased on the runways in nearby Manhattan. Since we know that you are highly mobile and travel around the country as well as in many cases around the globe frequenting areas with similar demographic breakdowns in terms of income, gender, age, etc, we hope that you will assist us in sharing our message and spreading the word of your local designer resale boutique to help us save the earth!

For Anna George, a website with the primary focus of displaying products to sell as well as provide you with additional education on the nature of the product in relation to environmental friendliness and sustainability, a hierarchical structure was the best fit for the architectural structure of our website and with this structure, a concrete plan, rooted in research regarding all aspects of websites has been considered. Since Anna George does need to be organized in a way that allows you to quickly and easily navigate to the categories in which they wish to shop, but does not need information to be in any type of sequence even alphabetical, this structure will allow for just that. For Anna George’s consignment designer website, a home page, about page and various product category pages are displayed in an easy to read and easy to navigate manner. The home page, to best appeal to you, displays the latest merchandise that the store has to offer as well as fashion related trend information so that you may quickly and easily navigate to see the latest and greatest and newsworthy bits regarding sustainability and eco-friendliness in the industry. The about page includes information regarding the company background, a contact form that serves as a way to get in touch with the boutique staff in a matter of seconds in an organized and easy to use fashion, again, which is exactly what Anna George’s customer expects. The about page also links the Anna George customer to additional information about the eco-friendly, consignment movement. Product pages provide all inventory available for purchase with photos, brief descriptions and for ease of navigation are organized by category.

Being that Anna George is an e-commerce, fashion site, our primary focus of displaying products to sell as well as educating customers on the nature of the product in relation to environmental friendliness and sustainability keeping the general page design simple is at the core of the overall aesthetic. As can be seen on the top of each of Anna George’s pages, an eye catching, slim black background with white font to display any important information relevant to customer purchases and will include any news regarding business, promotions, etc that our customer would like to see as she shops. Since the site does need to be organized in a way that allows customers to quickly and easily navigate to the categories in which they wish to shop the category navigation bar has been positioned just at the top of the page beneath the highlights bar and next to the company name/logo which falls in the upper left corner.

As previously mentioned, for a website with the primary focus of displaying products to sell as well as educate customers on the nature of the product in relation to environmental friendliness and sustainability keeping the general page design simple will be the approach that is taken with an incredibly simple, yet chic color palette consisting of black, white and gray shades and a consistent side border to focus the customers attention to the center of the page will be employed. Focusing on truly staying consistent with not only the brand’s message of sustainability (which is typically rooted in a more minimalistic aesthetic) while also focusing the customer on the our company’s goal of the product & selling it, simplicity will really highlight the product as well as to provide a means of easy engagement with external information, sites, etc. Images are of high resolution and all on a white background with dark text to best adhere to this and provide the customer with a completely honest and examinable view of Anna George’s product selection. To keep consistent with the chic and simple aesthetic, a sans-serif, Optima was the choice for the business name/logo and over all font to keep Anna George consistent and again, extremely easy to read, simple yet chic. On Anna George’s about page, a signature in a script typography in the form of a larger image to add emphasis was used to add a personal touch. Anna George’s overall aesthetic proves to provide a familiar e-commerce feeling and allows our customer to feel familiar with the site even if it is their first visit. Eventually, for ease of use and as Anna George’s online selling platform expands, just to the right of the categories will be an search navigation feature allowing customers who know exactly what they want to get right to it without wasting a second. With more time and greater resources, a means of adding product to ones cart to purchase it, additional photos, and even a suggestions bar that can assist in styling items would be added to the bottom of specific product pages. Also, a feature allowing you to log in, save your information, even add favorites and develop a style profile so that we may offer selections that correspond to favorites and or provide you with a notice of favorites that have possibly sold out if and when they reappear. Please be sure to stop by our storefront located in Greenwich, Connecticut right on the Avenue to come check out the latest merchandise and to learn more about the selling process for those looking to add space in their own closets. Please also be certain to stop by our website as we continue to grow the platform and add additional categories as well as styles to existent merchandise categories in addition to more options for purchasing and the payment of product. We look forward to meeting you soon!


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