Memories [Part 2] by -- Joseph DeLaCroix This story is based on characters created by Service and Games (SEGA), and on characters created by Archie Comic Publications, Inc. Any resemblance to actual characters are not coincidental. ;) Joseph, Bahb, and all other independent creations of Joseph DeLaCroix are the copyrighted property of JoCo Inc. Commander Packbell, Bookshire Draftwood, and Sandra Nightweaver are the copyrighted property of David Pistone. All rights reserved. Etc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Sounds like you got yourself into a bit of trouble, Joe." "'ll see in a minute." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph signalled for his guards again, but to no avail. He thought about using his comm-device to call for a pickup, but that would be like sending up a signal flare to all the spies that watched over the millions of transmissions that went in and out of Technopolis, who would report his whereabouts to his superiors. Teleporting out was a big no-no. At this level of Technopolis, a scrambling field was active to keep terrorists from teleporting inside the domed city and destroying it. Troop transports never came out this far into the Fringe unless they were putting down a riot, and even then they'd probably report him out of spite. His only available choice, he mused, was to walk back to the first tower he saw, and ride above the scrambling field. He examined his tactical potential. He lacked any sort of body armor, for starters. One good shot from a phaser, and he'd be history. He had no other useful cybernetics besides his datajack in his left arm. That meant he'd have to take the lighted routes out of the Fringe to remain safe, which often were the most meandering ones. He was packing one of his experimental plasma cannons, but it was only at half-power. If necessary, he could blast his way out, but that would be almost as bad as sending a hail out through his comm-device. His most useful ability in this situation would be his hand-to-hand combat skills, but if he was ever surrounded-- << "Hey there, lads. Look what we've got here." >> Joseph didn't even bother to speak. Instantly, he spun about to face his attackers, ready to fight to the death. There were 3 of the Greys, all obviously doped up on high-powered agression drugs. They were about his size, but a bit more bulky due to the steroid effect of the chemical. One had a club of some sort, another had a phaser, and the lead one was armed only with long, metallic claws. The one with the club rushed at him first, attempting to bash his muzzle in. Joseph, anticipating the attack, punched him in the face as his assailant rushed into his fist, knocking the stupid fox out cold. The bat flipped out of his hands, allowing Joseph to acquire it. However, he had to drop his package to do so. Before anyone could act, he kicked the package into the lit doorway, effectively putting it out-of-bounds. After that (allowing little time for Joseph to regain his concentration) the one with the phaser started to blast at him. Joseph dodged the first volley by diving behind a few piles of garbage. But this didn't last long enough for him to plan an attack...the phaser blasts wore down the piles low enough to force him to change position on the playing field. The shots from the phaser grazed his back as he tried to rush away from them, occasionally setting his back temporarily ablaze. In anger, Joseph rolled into a somersault, (losing his cannon from the compression of his form, and causing it to roll against the side of a pile of disguarded food canisters) jumped in the air, and threw the bat as hard as he could at his assailant. The bat met its mark; it cracked open the skull of the phaser-wielding fox, killing him instantly. Joseph landed upon the ground, exhausted and wounded. He quickly tried to regain his former fighting posture, but was out of breath from running. This gave his final assailant, the leader, an opportunity to strike. Seeing his compatriots taken out of commission, the final fox attacked Joseph, bum-rushing him into a wall. This knocked the wind out of Joseph, and left him vulnerable to the attacks of the fox's sharp, steel claws... But Joseph was not so easily beaten. Gaining a second wind, he quickly rolled off the side of the wall, allowing the attack of the fox to strike against the hard wall. The resounding ringing of his claws caused him great discomfort, and drove him to rush at Joseph again; steel claws extended in anticipation of slashing against the scientist's jugular. But Joseph was prepared this time, and began to backflip out of harm's way. This worked for a bit, and wore down the steel clawed fox's endurance. But the drug kicked in harder, and gave his slashing claws the extra reach to tatter the bottom of Joseph's trenchcoat. Anticipating the eventual success of the fox's arttack, Joseph converted his movement into a cartwheel...spinning behind the weakening fox, he planted a kick into the grey's back, knocking him on his face and into a nearby pile of garbage. Joseph again flipped, but this time backwards into a crouch. His took his plasma cannon from the ground, armed it, and leveled it at the subdued steel-clawed simpleton--but was suddenly knocked off balance from the impact of a bat on his back. Reeling from the blow, he stumbled onto the ground, limbs akimbo. The phaser-wielding fox stood above him, bat in hand, and pulled his arm back into a deathstrike. ^L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra clung involuntarily closer to Joseph, shivering slightly. "It's alright, darling," Joseph said quietly, holding his frightened mate closer, "I'm still here." "But what happened to you sounds so awful..." "Let me finish, honey." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The fox held the bat above his head, looking for the best possible spot to slam the bat's blunt surface into. The head, the chest, or the groin? Which would be most mentally satisfying, the psychotic thought gleefully... A noise behind the fox caused him to turn around, distracting him from his original task. He scanned into the darkness, only seeing the unconcerned guards standing outside the lit doorway, piles of rotting garbage, and the bodies of his fallen compatriots. Assuming that whatever made the noise had gone away, he turned back around. His target had somehow gotten away. That disturbed the chemically off-kilter fox, and his wild glances around to spot him failed in its intent to seek him out. He slammed the bat into the ground in a rage, and spun about a few times. He needed to kill that fox! Needed to!! He didn't know why, and didn't care. The chemical ruled the Grey's mind, and gave little attention to such minor details as reason or logic. Turning his back to his fallen leader, he looked toward the lit opening-- With no warning whatsoever, a loud, wet crack resounded through the area as Joseph's fist slammed into the fox's spinal column, instantly killing him. As the fox fell lifelessly to the ground, Joseph picked his plasma cannon off the ground for the second time, dusted it off, and blasted the silver-clawed fox right in the back, just to be sure he didn't try to pursue him in the future. The discharge of the cannon lit the area with an eerie light, and seemed to quiet the entire area down. Even the sounds of far-off cannon fire seemed to grow softer in the aftermath of the battle. Then, a voice broke the silence. A female voice. << "You fight well, for a Orange." >> Joseph turned around, cannon armed. << "Who goes there?" >> A figure stepped out of a inky pool of shadow. << "Just an observer," >> the voice said, << "I was in the neighborhood, and thought I'd see what the AggroHeads were up to." >> The new fox, a Red female, looked about at the remains of Joseph's attackers. << "Looks like they picked the wrong fox to yiff around with." >> she noted, and picked the slightly-dented box up from the ground. << "Catch." >> She tossed the box gently to the fox, who caught it easily. << "Hope your stuff isn't too foxed up." >> Joseph strained his eyes to try to get a look at the female. << "Thanks," >> said he, eyes straining for a look. << "Who are you?" >> << "Dhiana D'xaeae'xaeon-sol, 45645674th Squadron, Ur'thaen Space Navy. Yourself?" >> << "Jhosesophae dae--">> He paused, realizing now was not a good time to state his full title. << "Just Jhosesophae, thank you." >> << "Your mother must have had a hell of a time getting that name for you." >> << "You could say that." >> << "I did." >> A pause. << "Have you seen some large Reds about here? My guards have gone missing." >> << "I have," >> Dhiana noted, running her finger over her neck slowly. << "Better put an ad out for some new ones." >> Joseph groaned. << "Great." >> << "They looked like good security people," >> she stated, << "just that it's a pain to fight those psychotic AggroHeads unless you can outsmart them." >> She smiled in the darkness. << "And you certainly did. You must have experience with the 'arts." >> << "Some." >> A pause. << "Well, need a lift to a tower? I'm heading that way to get my orders." >> << "I'd like that." >> She stepped out of the shadows, and gave Joseph an opportunity to look her over. She was clad in the usual uniform of the USN: a black jumpsuit with several pockets, the Ur'thaen symbol embroidered over the chest; a standard issue plasma cannon; a standard issue pair of diamondium-titanium knuckles; thick black jackboots, shineless; and a pair of black wraparound sunglasses. She was an abnormal specimen of a female, inasmuch as she was especially curved in all the right spots, her fur wasn't the usual bristling mess that most Reds were cursed with, and her tail seemed much longer than regulation. Instinctively, Joseph tried to withhold his attraction to the Red female. It was improper to desire a member of a lower caste, no matter how sexy one might be. (A similar process was running through her head, keeping her from giving off improper body language toward a member of a superior caste.) Joseph coughed quietly, took a silent breath, and smiled. << "I'd like that a lot." >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sandra rose a brow. " just met, for Goddess' sake, and you're already fumbling with sexual restraint. Is this normal behavior for your people's males?" Joseph blushed. "Well, try to see it from my side. I had been trained from birth to choose for a date only one who would make a genetically superior mate." With a great amount of psychological effort, he forced himself to crack a joke. "And man, did she ever look like a canidate for PlayFox of the Year. Yow." Then, for reasons known only to him, his teeth locked together. She had looks that could kill, he thought, but she wasn't any angel. Sandra grimaced. Joseph went back to smiling, and held Sandra close. "You're more attractive, tho." Sandra held back her smile, and decided to really make Joseph work to regain her favor. "Hmph!" Joseph's face took on a concerned expression. "I mean it." Sandra started the silent treatment, internally laughing her tail off. "C'mon, would I lie?" Silence. Joseph kissed her ears. "Hey." Sandra allowed the seed of a smirk to creep its way across her muzzle, but still remained quiet. "You are the most beautiful creature in the entire universe." Sandra broke her silence. "Creature?!" she yelped, faux-irritatedly. "Merely calling you the most beautiful fox would be an insult to one of such universal and cosmic beauty," he stated, "because yours is a beauty that transcends species." Sandra blushed beneath her fur, but kept the ruse going. "I bet you say that to all the vixens." He stroked along her backfur, smiling softly at Sandra's tenacity. "My standards are too high for all vixens. I would only say that to a vixen of your calibre." Sandra allowed a smile to weave its way across her face. "There are others as good as me?" "No." She kissed him on the nose. "Good answer." They laughed softly at their verbal gymnastics. Joseph smiled only externally. "Well, do you want to hear more about it?" "Yes...this is interesting." "Alright. For the sake of time, I'll abridge the 6 months in which we got to know each other, learned about each other's familes, and dated in secret. I will simply cut to the end of the relationship, which occurred when--" << "Joseph, activity in Knothole." >> Joseph stopped talking. "I'll tell you about that later. Right now, there is something going on in the would be advisable that we view it." Sandra shrugged, and got up. "Alright. To the control room, then?" Joseph smiled. "Of course." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dusk was beginning to fall outside, which gave a strange tint to the Princess' eyes; as if the setting sun was merely a reflection of her big, sparkling blue ones. The time had come to do the final preparations for the night's mission, one which she anticipated casualties from in unpleasant number. The last few times they had trod into Robotropolis had been blessed with a precious few damaged people, and yet no deaths. Yet. Sally knew Packbell was studying their attack patterns, and gradually adjusting the SWATBot details to compensate. Every mission had led them closer into the web the Commander set up to catch them...and the flies were tredding on the center. Eventually, it would become far too risky to attempt any further rescue missions without either more people or bigger guns; both, she hoped, could eventually be provided by the Keld'yrians or Joseph. She knew Joseph could help...the only thing was that he had been acting...strangely? No, trying to define Joseph's actions as "strange" would be as ridiculous as trying to define Antoine's Mobian as "improving". But he certainly had adjusted his attitude he knew something the other's didn't. Something bad. Sally chose to let her mind slip away from that topic, seeing that she had little evidence that anything "bad" was going to happen...aside from Packbell probably decimating them, of course. Perhaps his concern for their welfare was what ate at him. Or, perhaps not. She had no real way to tell, after all. The only people with any insight to how Joseph's mind worked were a Keldy'rian simply named "Doc", Tails' brother David, and Sandra Nightweaver... Her train of thought was derailed by Sonic's arrival. He was in his usual let's-go-kick-someSWATBot-tail mood, which bode well for the mission that laid before them. It would require their full devotion to the task at hand to be able to come out of this mission with light casualties. "Hello, Sonic." "Yo, Sal! We ready to go?" "Not yet. The others are still preparing. Have you got your power ring yet?" He took it out of his packback and twirled it playfully. "Yup." Sally allowed herself a smile. "Good. You know your part, right?" "Yeah. Go to the 5th refinary, bust in through a wall, and trash the place." "Good." Bunnie and Rotor walked out of a hut, carrying neural reactivator cannons. "Ready to go, Sally?" asked Bunnie. "Just waiting for Dulcy now." "Ah," Rotor said, and checked his cannon. Dulcy glided down from the skies above, and made a better landing than usual. "All set." Sally nodded, hopped on Dulcy, and beckoned for the others to follow. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph scanned through the monitors, observing Dulcy's departure from the Great Forest. "Well, looks like I've missed out on another mission." "They probably aren't doing anything vital, anyway." "Perhaps," Joseph said, "but they're packing neural reactivator cannons. That means it's a rescue mission...there will be casualties." "Why do you say that?" "Because Packbell is learning." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The android sat in his chair, scanning through the slowly-healing wreckage of Robotropolis. He knew that the Freedom Fighters were coming...he just didn't know when, or where. But he *suspected* that they were going to go after his cache of slave labor which he had placed in the center of the city, repairing the city's computer systems from the inside out. Recent attacks had corrupted certain sectors of it, so it was necessary to dedicate labor to the tedious realignment of the optical memory centers. The SWATBots were in place. Cameras were activated and focused. The tapes were recording. His bait in position, the line lax enough to feign aloof (if any) protection, and his forces ready to strike... The hedgehog blasted into his 5th refinary, while the small clique of veteran FFs began to return the free will of his slaves. The SWATBots crashed down from above, lazers blazing. The FFs feinted back, moved some of the now-sentinent slaves behind them, and prepared to fight. The dance began again. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph observed through the multiple eyes of Packbell the attacks of the Freedom Fighters, the counters of the SWATBots, and their eventual retreat to the outskirts of the city. They fought well, the foxes noted, but they were outclassed and outgunned by the wily Packbell for the moment. They got about 30 more people out of Robotropolis, thanks to the ultimate sacrifice of about 8 roboticized citizens and the various minor to major hits taken by the lead FFs. Overall, a "successful" campaign. They returned to Knothole in tolorable condition. Dulcy had a wing mended, Bunnie had gotten clipped in the leg, Rotor took a nasty knock to the head, and Sonic had beaten up his right hand awfully badly. Luckily, medical care was effective and quick, and everyone got put back to a state of relative normalcy in about 3 hours. Joseph and Sandra stayed below ground, and out of the minds of the returning FFs. They had seen all that they had wanted to of war for now, and much preferred each other's company over the eternal duel for Mobius. "So," Sandra inquired, "are you going to finish that story now?" "Eh?" "About you and Diana. What happened?" "Ah. That. Well, I'll skip over the 6 minicycles of courting, dating, et al. I'm sure that doesn't matter to you, right?" Allowing no time to her to reply, he continued, frost forming on his voice. "About 6 minicycles after we'd met, I'd finally gotten up enough courage to introduce her to my father. I knew he certainly wouldn't approve of me dating a Red, but I felt that I should tell him, conscience at the time simply couldn't take the constant lying any longer..." Joseph stopped for a moment. "If this is too painful, love..." "No, I need to let this out." "Alright." "So, I chose a time that we could all meet...psudo-accidentally, as it were. I picked a small diner I liked on L34 in Tower 7S...a nice, quiet restaurant...a place where you'd never expect for the fabric of your life to unravel." A pause. "So I had her sit at a nearby booth while my father and I would sit at a table near the center of the restaurant. After we had talked for a bit, and I'd gotten him properly relaxed, I would signal for her to walk over, and introduce herself." Sandra smiled. "Cute." Joseph's voice took on the temperature qualities of a meat locker. "Yeah, sure." "Anyway," continued he, "my father and I had talked for a brief time, and I signalled her as planned. She took a seat, introductions were exchanged, and all seemed to go well. My father was more receptive than anticipated to our being together, and gave a sort of lukewarm approval of it." "Sounds like it went well." ^L Joseph's voice took on the properties of ice. "That's when she chose to pull out a plasma cannon--the one I had designed for her personally--and attempted to exterminate him." ^L Sandra's expression simply locked into sheer mortification. He continued unabated. "My reflexes were the better of my mind's dismay, however, and I was able to take the shot for my father. She tried to run out of the restaurant, but she looked back to see if I was dead..." Glaciers moved from Joseph's lips. "That's when I pulled out my own cannon, and blew that bitch's head clean off." An aeons-long silence. "Later," he snarled with a coldness often found in tax collection agencies in extreme Northern areas on Mobius, "after they finished picking her teeth out of the wall, I discovered that she was a member of a Eastern terrorist group who had been plotting to kill my father for years. They had arranged the monopoly of the chip, the attack of the Greys, our entire *relationship*, and the assassination attempt." "I had been played like a S'llth mandolin. The only reason it didn't succeed was because I had jumped in front of him, and I was clad in my light armor that night." Joseph turned away. "I wish not to speak of this again." She put her head on his shoulder. "Joseph..." "It is a long time finished. There is no need to mourn for the blackened part of my heart now..." He paused, forcing a reassuring smile. "You are the only occupant of it now, anyway." She held him close, silently allowing the pain to fade again. Nothing was said between them for the rest of the night; they simply remained together...sitting inside the darkened control room, they let the glowing light from Robotropolis' fires light them as they drifted off to a dreamless sleep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The ship flew invisibly above the surface of the planet, quietly looking it over for any significant damages to its precious natural resources. The leader of the vessel sat quietly in his quarters, pondering over what had conspired so far on his mission. A supposedly conquered planet had suddenly had an uprising which had nearly decimated the seat of power of the conqueror, and had allegedly killed him...several small coups raged in the ruined city, and now a simplistic artifical lifeform named "Packbell" operated it. It would be no great problem to fool this....tinkertoy.... into doing their bidding. One rickety ship with some automated fighters would probably suffice as a bribe for ownership of the (to him, the fool) relatively useless planet. After the AI had left, they would have him killed somewhere out of the juristiction of the busybodies that protected Mobius in interplanetary affairs, and keep him from cutting in on their particular action; as was their usual custom toward their "sellers". Then, whatever pathetic rebellion that had opposed the idiotic machine would be quickly crushed by flooding the entire world by melting its polar icecaps; also freeing the remainder of the valuable water the world was blessed with to boot. He allowed himself a powerful laugh. This would be so easy. It would just take time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The next morning, the black vixen groggily awoke in the control room with the activation of the several subcycles that heralded morning inside the Dome. She pulled herself from Joseph's lap, dusted herself off, and headed over to the shower area outside the small, dark room. She entered the bathroom, hit the light toggle, and headed over to the stall. A forcefield wrapped around the opening to the shower, serving as an efficient curtain for the small area. She activated the shower itself by muttering one of the few Ur'thaen words she had picked up from Joseph to operate some of the lesser systems. After a moment, the warm, familiar stream of water rushed over her fur, returning her mental faculties to their usual sharpness. As she began to lather herself up, her mind wandered back to the events of the previous evening. Her glance into Joseph's past had been something she rather would have not seen. Despite his relative facade about his happiness on his homeworld all those centuries ago, to her it appeared to be only a more subtle version of what Rotoropolis was now; ruthless leaders lorded over their docile slaves--which could go from sheep to lions at a moments notice for their "Head Vixen". A cold, unhappy, miserable world, that died the way it lived. She shuddered involentarily, and turned up the heat of the water to compensate for her psychological chill. She skipped back in the evening to the period when they were watching Sonic and the others battling SWATBots and rescuing people in Robotropolis. While it certainly wasn't a fun thing to observe (Joseph made the occasional mild crack about pay-per-view showings of their missions in some corner of the galaxy just to muddle about with her head, she smirkingly noted, but a few soft whaps to the nose had stopped him from raving further.), it seemed a great deal sunnier than Joseph's story. At least Packbell's rule is transparently evil; Joseph didn't realize how bad off he really was. But that was unimportant as she and her lover watched the events unfold from the night before...when she watched the mission from the control room, it began to seem to her as if she was watching some sort of fanciful fictional video transmission. The war and Mobius were beginning to seem more...unreal to her, as if the complex and Joseph were the only things real to her anymore. She scrubbed her fur more vigorously. Was Mobius, her home, the place her and all of her ancestors were born, beginning to lack any hold over her? Was this war between Sonic and Packbell her fight any more? Sandra mulled this over in her mind. Well, it was partially Joseph's war...but in a sort of noncombatant way. Sure, he'd blown up some SWATBots in his time, but almost everyone had in Knothole. He was no uberwarrior fox with a big ol' gun to back up his ego; he was a gentle scientist who'd been dragged into this conflict by a muddied honor and the noble vulpine morals to do what was right with the powers he had available. He fought only to further the deroboticizer or to bail out a friend. Offensive strikes, while he was fully capable of pulling off a successful one, was not his forte'. But Joseph planned to try to meld invisibly into Mobian society after the war ended, from his various inferences and commentary about the ridiculousness of politics. He could afford to live quietly after it was all over; who would dare hound the inventor of the deroboticizer, a device that would probably single-handedly defeat Packbell's scheme for world domination? That, and the fact legends were beginning to circulate about the area of forest the Dome was located in... weird noises, bad feelings, evil karma. She chuckled mentally. All the products of strategically placed transmitters with warped SFX programming. But the war was not truely his. He stayed out of Knothole most of the time. Bahb sometimes had to remind Joseph what season it was after he'd worked on the deroboticizer for a few consecutive weeks with varying amount of sleep and her...personal brand of female companionship breaking up his work periods into tolorable chunks. He didn't give a damn about the restoration of the monarchy or the original government of Mobius aside from the two factors that got him and Doc (one of his Keld'yrian friends) thinking about reversing the effects of "dimentional displacement"; the fact that Sally, someone who he respected greatly and cared for as a close friend, would like to see her father (a concern which he could completely identify with), and the sheer joy of "pure science". After he'd done his bit for this world, as she remembered from before, he just wanted people to let him be. Being a celebrity was something he wasn't prepared for, or even wanted. This was one of Joseph's few shortcomings, she thought: his eternal shyness when it came to any group larger than 4 or 5 people he didn't know. He could talk face to face with Sally, herself, Sonic, Rotor, Doc, practically anyone at all...but stick him in a room with a audience and tell him to read something, he'd freak out. It was comical sometimes to see him talk to a group of people 3 feet shorter and 100 pounds lighter than he, and have him hold back looking as nervous as a debtor being audited. Her recollection of a recent episode of this behavior forced a quite wicked smirk across her face as she began to cease shampooing. She started to rinse herself off. Perhaps this is what love really is, she thought to was caring enough about someone else that nothing else mattered; weirdness, heritage, homeworld, race...all other things became irrevelant. There was little else really wrong with Joseph's personality. He was humble, despite his great technological, mental, and physical prowess; he had a sense of humor (albeit a dark one); he was friendly and affable with kits after a fashion; he actually knew how to dress himself, unlike other foxes she'd known who'd worn less elaborate outfits than he; he'd have little problem providing anything for anyone... and, naturally, Joseph could protect her against Packbell. It would take a higher power than that "mere rainy-day creation" to ever breach the defenses of the Dome, by her observations of it...and he'd fight to the death to keep anything from ever harming her...ever. She knew that much; Joseph would blow up the entire complex, decimate the entire planet, and tacnuke it from orbit to keep one ounce of pain from ever brushing against her. Losing her, she thought, mildly awed, would be something that would probably break his mind, as well as his heart. That, and he'd probably annhilate most of the planet and a few ones around it, if left to his own devices. She kept rinsing herself off, luxurating in the warm flow of liquid. Yes, he was a good and honorable fox, who'd been used and beaten around by life throughout his 300 plus years of existance. She was probably the first person he'd trusted in some time, the irony of which was not lost on her. The amount of power she could wield over him (and this world) was nothing short of frightening. Yet, for some reason...she *couldn't* use him. She had tried to force herself back into her usual sly criminal mentality, but it just didn't work for her any longer. She wanted for nothing, was kept warm and safe by a gentle, handsome, wonderful fox, and had the knowledge of the universe at her fingertips. Her mind told her the same thing her heart did: Don't screw this up. She finished rinsing, lowered the field, and stepped onto the dryer pad. As the air rushed through her fur, she again pondered her feelings for Joseph. Was she just a parasite, feeding off of his technology and love... or was it more? Did she really, truly, love him back? She finished drying herself, stepped off the pad, and groomed herself back to a state of relative normalcy. She smiled as she combed down her headfur. She'd never thought she'd be having this conversation with herself. She laughed softly. Hell, she'd never thought she was going to live past the first few months of this insane war. But she'd survived...with help, but she'd survived. She looked into the mirror, searched her soul for an answer, but received only nebulous half-replies bouncing off her pupils. Perhaps later she'd know. It would just take time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Back in Robotropolis: The morning broke over Robotropolis, at least allegedly. The sun's rays, however, rarely breached the black, stinking, choking plumes of engine discharge and oil fumes that surrounded Mobius' City of Eternal Darkness, and only in a fleeting way when they did. But sunshine and blue sky were not one of the high priorities of Packbell, who actually preferred the ugly brown-black haze surrounding the city over the natural, chaotic, and "messy" forests and jungles that otherwise populated Mobius. It was not logical to allow such valuable resources to go untapped in his mind, and if it wasn't such a bargaining chip in the sale of this world... But he still had some personal goals to accomplish before he closed up shop and left this nasty place for someplace more technologically oriented. One was the total annhilation of Knothole. That place was constantly on his mind...he wanted to CRUSH that place beneath his heel, and lay waste to the place out of sheer spite. Another was the capture, torture, and ultimate termination of the ringleaders: Sonic, Sally, Tails--the kit they had seemingly adopted, the rabbit Bunnie, the walrus called Rotor...and, a person he especially wanted to destroy, Sandra Nightweaver. Packbell refused to allow any meat-thing to outwit and outmanuver him...especially not some mere *fox*. His final goal, he evilly pondered, was the capture of one of the planet's more useful resources (and one that he doubted the Buyers knew of), the Chaos Emeralds. He grinned with a psychotic glee as he overlooked the repairs to the complex. Those emeralds would catch a fine price somewhere in the least enough to buy a small planetoid somewhere, and set up a mining operation. And naturally enough to keep him in diodes and spare parts for a good millenium or two. And he would have them. He would not sell this world before he had gotten all he had needed out of it. He had infinity to work with, after all... It would just take time. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - She stepped out into the bedroom, where she passed Joseph walking in. He simply reguarded her with a grunt, patted her between the ears, and headed into the bedroom. She smirked at his behavior, and flopped down on the comfortable bed for a moment. Joseph was not a morning person. She learned that rather rapidly after her first few days living in the Dome, sometime after he set down the "house rules". Joseph really had only three major house rules. Don't mess with his lab, don't take anything without telling him or Bahb first, and absolutely no visitors below level 1. It was just common sense, of course, but Joseph made sure he left little room for error in everything he did. It wasn't meant as a knock against her, but more as a way of clarifying for himself what the rules were. Sandra paid it little heed. His lab was far beyond her comprehension, despite his attempts to explain the various devices it had in it; she had little need to take anything outside at the moment; and she didn't have many friends Joseph didn't let in, anyway. The rules, as she noted earlier, was just Joseph stating the obvious for his own benefit. She got off the bed, and primped herself in the mirror for a moment. Behind her, she heard the sounds of Joseph "knocking the dust" off of himself, which were rapidly coming to an end. She wondered what they would do today. Perhaps they'd stop by Knothole to wring information out of Sonic as to the success of the mission. Or, maybe Joe'd go off to Haven and hang around with Doc for a couple hours. Of course, there was the ever-popular option of staying home and-- Home. Sandra was beginning to think of this place as "home". She smiled. It was a nice place, alright...but even if they just lived in a cave, it seemed to her that any place that Joseph was could be "home" now. It was, it *was* impossible for her to imagine living anywhere without him. She'd just become used to his quiet snoring, the faint (thanks to the clean room's delousing function outside his lab) smell of well-made cigar smoke that occasionally was detectable when she brushed against his coat, the slow, deliberate steps he took when he walked across a room... the perfect thump-thumping of his heartbeat when he slept...all of it was so familiar to her, Sandra could not imagine living without it. Anyway, they could just stay home today and view video transmissions from the far-reaches of the universe. They'd done that a few times lately, and she was always fascinated by different species and what they liked to watch. It became especially enjoyable after Joseph had installed a translator chip in her ear, so she could understand all the different languages (and even speak them, if she wanted) that she heard after a few moments of spoken dialogue. She definitely thought that network executives from the now-defunct MBN should watch some of this stuff one day, if they were still alive. For example, Gh'blarr hyperpolo was one of the most fun spectator sports she'd ever seen. It was like a cross of yachting, dodgeball, light piracy, and a senior trip rolled into one chaotic, highly entertaining sport with no real rules. That, and some strange Terran program called "Mystery Science Theater 3000"... Joseph finally emerged from the bathroom in a presentable form. He smiled, bounded over to her, and hugged her firmly hello in the usual manner. "Hi, Sandra," said he, disengaging from the hug and walking over to the replicator to fetch breakfast. "Sleep well?" "In a manner of speaking. Still a little tired...probably should have slept in later." Joseph grinned, pulled some food-laden plates and a glass or two out the replicator, and put them down on a table. "Well," he said, "you can sleep through the day now. I'm not going to have anything to do for a good while...not until all the first versions of the deroboticizer have been compiled in about a month, anyway. Then, I'm just going to start repping off portable units, loading them with the right software, and letting Sally handle the whole mess from there. For the time being, however, I can finally relax, and work on other things." Sandra slinked over to the table, and allowed Joseph to pull a seat out for her. Thanking him appropriately, she slid into place and waited for him to sit. "That's good to hear. You've been looking pretty ragged lately. You need a vacation." Joseph sat down, and slugged back a shot of orange juice before speaking. "Yeah...I'm going to delegate the acquisition of the King back to Doc for a while. I'm feeling rather burnt out...yes, it is time for a week off, alright. Maybe two." "Why not a month? Joseph, you've worked non-stop on this deroboticizer almost since you arrived here nearly two years ago. I've never seen anyone work like you do on're defoxifying yourself for the sake of the deroboticizer. We've *got* time. Take it easy for a bit." He smiled, conceding to her with a half-mouthful of scrambled eggs. After chewing the appropriate number of times, he swollowed it and followed it up with an OJ chaser. "Okay, okay," the hapless Joseph replied, "I'll chill out for a while." Sandra smiled, and attacked her toast for a moment before replying. "That's good to hear." Joseph sat back, beaming mischiveously at his mate while consuming some tomato-pasted "home fries". "I'm glad you approve!" Sandra smirked. "What, am I turning into an old nag already? That's not supposed to happen until after you've met my parents, I've met yours, we've dated for a year, I get a ring out of you, we endure some ceremony put together by our family and friends, and some guy down in a records building officially recognizes us as mated." She paused for a moment, and laughed. "Of course, you know my feelings on `law and order' pretty well by now, don't you?" Joseph grinned. "Ah, you've got the same idea I have about that foolishness. Too many variables in a simple equation, provided you've got the right starting ingredients, anyway. Two people meet, fall in love, and spend the rest of their lives together. Forget that dating period and ceremonies and the rest of that hullaballoo. Love is the only true bond, not paper." Sandra smiled a little. "But it's pretty." "I suppose." "Would you ever, if you found the right person?" "If so requested. The groom's side would be pretty empty, tho." Sandra allowed herself only a snicker. "You could borrow Sonic's fan club." "Then I'd have to clean out the bride's side, or get a cathedral. I haven't seen any around here, though." "But you would, wouldn't you?" "Yes." Sandra looked at Joseph with an odd glint in her eye, and smiled. "But not for a while, of course." "A good, long time," said he. "Same here." They finished breakfast wordlessly, thinking similar thoughts about that identical topic. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- | Joseph deLaCroix: | See: | / MiSTie, orange fox, writer, MUCKer, builder, hacker, cynic, wiseass \ He slices! He dices! He crushes! He bashes! He liquifies and chops! Information wants to be sold for exorbitant fees, then totally devalued