meg and her mum
meg and her mum
A Child is Born
On the 28th February 2001 Megan Jessica was born. I was induced at 8:30am, by 10:00am my contractions had started. Sometime in-between I was screaming for an epidural! Something I had decided I was never going to have. But it was my life saver. I slept right up until the 2nd stage of labour.
The 2nd stage was three long hours of pushing. It took so long because the drip fell out and they didn't realize until my contractions were coming 5 to 6 minutes apart. As soon as the drip was in again the contractions were about 30 seconds apart and Megan was well on her way. She came out all in the one push at 8.02pm that night. The moment I saw my daughter I was filled with so much joy and had all but forgotten about the pain.
Megan weighed in at just over 8lb, was 50.5cm long and had the strongest lungs I'd ever heard! After we had bonded for a few minutes, she was taken away to have an injection of Vitamin K and the doctor stitched me up. I had haemorrhaged almost a litre of blood and was very weak. Megan did not get to spend the first night with me. Something I regret to this day.
But the next morning they wheeled her into my room and we've been inseperable ever since!
She is the sweetest most beautiful child I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I thank God every day for giving me the pleasure of being her mummy.
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