Three Articles by Pastor Don Fortner
Perry Fuller's The Churchwarden

Three Articles by Pastor Don Fortner on Husbands, Wives, and a Happy Home

Since this issue of THE CHURCH WARDEN falls roughly between Mother's Day and Father's Day, I figured it might be relevant to include a few articles pertinent to the family.

I think you will appreciate the material written by Pastor Fortner because it is pointed practical, and pleasantly void of religious sentimentality.

Be forewarned, though: His stuff does not set forth the ambiguous concept of "family values" commonly touted by Republicans and other social conservatives. He advocates a biblical---rather than a political or cultural--perspective.

Fortner is an old friend who pastors the Grace Baptist Church of Danville (Danville, Kentucky). The articles contained herein are borrowed, by permission, from his web site at:

Of special interest to the readers of THE CHURCHWARDEN may be the knowledge that Don gave me my very first pipe over 20 years ago, when we were both living in West Virginia. Of far greater importance, however, is the fact that his home at the time was always a theological and personal refuge for me during a trying period of my life when I was making the decisive move from Arminianism to biblical Calvinism. He and his wife, Shelby, availed themselves to me in ways I shall never forget.

I can honestly recommend Don's sermonic and written ministry with unreserved enthusiasm.

  1. Three Things That Will Guarantee A Happy Home
  2. What Does Every Woman Want And Need From A Man?
  3. What Does Every Man Want And Need From A Woman?

�copyright 2001, Perry S. Fuller

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