PF The Churchwarden

Questions For the Editor

DEAR MR. FULLER: The name of your newsletter suggests that you might see yourself as some sort of a church critic or, perhaps, a prophetic pundit. I mean THE CHURCHWARDEN sounds an awful lot like a self ordained ecclesiastical calling. What do you have to say for yourself?

Your's truly,

Ann Taginess

Dear Ann: A churchwarden is nothing more than a long-stemmed pipe, old fashioned in style, but still cool to look at and even cooler to smoke. I merely adopted the standard designation for this type of pipe as a name for the newsletter because I really like churchwardens and because I thought it would appeal to my fellow pipe smokers. Also, I couldn't think of anything better. I have no prophetic gifts of any kind and I have no axe to grind with respect to the Church. In fact, I abhor the faddish pessimism so many have towards the Church local and universal, especially since Christ is her King and everything is totally under His control. The goal of THE CHURCHWARDEN is simply to tell a selected segment of society about Jesus, namely those people who love to hunt, fish, smoke a stogie or puff on a pipe.

DEAR EDITOR: Everything in THE CHURCHWARDEN regarding fly fishing seems to indicate that you approach the art from the bottom-side. You recommend the cheapest equipment, favor nymphing to floating dry flies, and haven't said two words about dressing properly. It seems to me that you denigrate the fair sport by your omissions. Are you going to correct these faults in your publication?


Red Quill

Dear Red: No! Wait...on second thought I will say two words about dressing properly: Wear clothing.

DEAR SIR: Rumor has it that you are Calvinistic wacko and that you catch more trees than trout. Are these rumors true?


Mr. R. Minius

Dear Mr. Minius: Ah, my old nemesis! Still at it, I see. I guess you'll haunt me till the edge of eternity. Why do you keep following me and why do you insist upon asking questions to which you already know the answers?

DEAR MR. FULLER: How come you never write anything about fly fishing for children?

Looking forward to your answer,

Mrs. Bunny Dun

Dear Bunny: Let me answer your question as forthrightly as possible. I will try to be polite. I am a trout fisherman, period, and I tailor my publication almost exclusively to those who appreciate that most sublime of species. Frankly Mrs. Dun, I do not think fly fishing for children is all that much different than fishing for carp-and I do neither.

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