"On land, on sea, at home, abroad, I smoke my pipe and worship God" Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750

May 2001
Published with the belief that God acknowledges no distinction between the secular and the sacred.



writing contest

If you are a pipe smoking fly fisherman/hunter who subscribes to the biblical philosophy of this publication--namely, that God acknowledges no distinction between the secular and the sacred because Christ Jesus is Lord over every aspect of life--then here's something special designed just for you:


All you have to do is write a story and follow the rules to gain a chance at winning one of two pretty decent prizes--stuff I sure wouldn't sneeze at if I could enter.

  1. The Story
  2. The Rules
  3. The Prizes
  4. The Judges
  5. The Purpose

1. The Story

First, the story must be about either pipes or fly fishing/hunting, although a combination of the two is preferable. Second, the story must be Christ-honoring in the sense that his lordship is acknowledged, asserted, and realistically written--please, no religious drivel or clich� Christian lingo. Third, the story must be utterly devoid of profanity and vulgarity. Finally, the story must be true.

2. The Rules

*The four "must be's" above must be followed, period.

*Your entry must be received by me no later than 1 July 2001.

*Your entry must be no longer than three pages, single spaced.

*Your entry must be emailed to: [email protected]

*Your entry must be sent as an e-mail itself, not as an attachment (only because there are some attachments I cannot open for whatever weird reason).

*You must not sent me your entry in hardcopy because I will not be able to return it.

The winners will be published in the August or September issue of THE CHURCHWARDEN, depending on the number of entries.

3. The Prizes

First Prize

A Stanwell briar pipe, plus a half-pound bag of Father McAllister's Battenkill Blend,
a copy of John Gierach's ANOTHER LOUSY DAY IN PARADISE,
a copy of R. Kent Hughes' DISCIPLINES OF GRACE.

Second Prize

A half-pound bag of Father McAllister's Battenkill Blend,
a paperback copy of THE WAY OF TROUT, by M.R. Montgomery,
a copy of Kent and Barbara Hughes' THE DISCIPLINES OF A GODLY MAN.

Pastor Hughes, by the way, is a fellow fly fisherman as well as a fine author.

4. The Judges

The are three judges: me, and two people whose identities shall remain secret. The winners will be chosen by unanimous whole-hearted consensus.

5. The Purpose

When it comes to pipes, tobacco, hunting or fishing very little is penned from a distinctly God-honoring perspective. Outdoor writing is unclaimed territory for the Christian. Yet, like everything else, it too must fall under the dominion of Christ. Through this contest I am trying to encourage literary creativity that genuinely integrates the lordship of Jesus with the pursuit of our particular pleasures. Keeping that in mind, please submit your article with the understanding that it may be published in a future issue THE CHURCHWARDEN if you are not a winner, and will be published in the August or September if you are a winner. Naturally, you own the copyright to your submissions, not me. You can do whatever you wish with your work. I just want the right to use it in the newsletter for the sake of offering readers Christocentric material germane to the ministry of THE CHURCHWARDEN.

�copyright 2001, Perry S. Fuller

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