"On land, on sea, at home, abroad, I smoke my pipe and worship God" Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750


Published with the belief that God acknowledges no distinction between the secular and the sacred.


He's dead, Jim: On February 7, 2005 my father finally passed away. Whether or not he went to be with the Lord, God only knows. Regardless of such disquieting uncertainty, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank every reader of the CW who prayed for him. Your prayers were always appreciated, and still are. Thank you.

The CW for 2006: Today is Saturday, January 28th. The temperature outside is 51 degrees�perfect weather for midwinter fly rodding in the Swift River. Nevertheless, duty calls; fishing must wait. Thus here I sit in front of an old iBook, smoking a Fuente Gran Reserva, and pausing between puffs to type my thoughts about revitalizing the CW during 2006. The Churchwarden isn't dead, but it's certainly gasping for breath, and I wish to revive this important ministry.

First off, I need your help. Pray that I can find time to write with regularity and, secondly, feel free to send me your own articles as well. Provided you don't submit heretical crap, your stuff could see publication.

Father McAllister will definitely return.

The Red Quill Letters should continue.

More tobacco reviews are forth coming.

And, hopefully, something entirely new: digital photographs.

God willing, The Churchwarden may yet experience a little something of its former glory. If so, to Him alone be the glory.

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