The Churchwarden Brew Review

The Churchwarden Brew Review

brought to you by

Luther Lager,

"The beer that made the Reformation famous."

Samuel Smith's

Winter Welcome Ale

From what I'm led to believe, Winter Welcome is unbelievably expensive. Fortunately I have no first hand knowledge of whether that's true or not. My daughter's boss gave her a bottle for Christmas and she passed it along to me. Such generosity was not wasted, I can assure you. Smith's has to be one of the best ales on the market, and I am most thankful for the opportunity to sample some.

Good booze needs a context for proper enjoyment, otherwise you're just drinking for the sake of drinking, which is never wise. Since Winter Welcome is an English import, I figured it would go nicely with a London-made pipe packed full of tobacco from England. I was not mistaken.

Now when I say Samuel Smith is smooth, I mean smooth, as in smoother than a politician's political patter. And there is no bitter after taste, absolutely none whatsoever. If I recall correctly, Miller used call itself the champaign of bottled beers. It's not, but this is.

The Smith brewery has a web site well worth perusing: Since their once a year winter offering is so superb, I feel biblically obligated to assess the rest of the fine brews listed thereon. The Bible does say, "whether you eat or drink, do all to the glory of God." I fully intend to joyfully obey the Lord by a monthly taste of Smith beer or ale. Look for the coming reviews.

Note: Martin Luther was a godly man, the grand Reformer and a great lover of top shelf beer. In his honor, the beers and ales I evaluate with be measured in Luthers. Thus, Samuel Smith's Winter Welcome Ale gets 5 out of 5 Luthers. Highly recommended!

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