Golf or Fly Fishing: Which is dumber?
Perry Fuller's The Churchwarden

Golf or Fly Fishing: Which is dumber?


I frequently make fun of golfing because the pastime is dumber than dirt and the people who play it apparently aren't much smarter. After all, what does a golfer actually do? He spends great gobs of hard earned cash on obscenely expensive equipment for the sake of smacking a little white ball into a man-made hole on a well manicure lawn. A rather harmless obsession no doubt, and I'm certainly not belittling anyone's enjoyment of their tee time, but conceptually the sport is completely idiotic. Yet--heresy of heresies--I'm beginning to ask myself if fly fishing is significantly different in terms of general absurdity. Consider, if you will, that the typical fly guy invests around two thousand smackaroos in rods, reels and lines (not to mention assorted other accessories) for the sole purpose of casting a two dollar caddis to a twelve inch trout twenty feet away only to let the stupid fish go just so he can catch it all over again. Now, my fellow fishermen, I ask you: Which is really more ridiculous, our game or theirs?

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