"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15)"

The average American evangelical owns more Bibles, commentaries and theological books all by himself than can be found amongst entire congregations in most third world, Islamic and communist countries. We are rich with resources, yet the typical Christian in America today is so ignorant of biblical content and doctrine that one would wonder if he had access to any Bible or study material at all. Although the accusation is stated with a smidgen of intentional hyperbole, there is no exaggeration in saying that:

1. Many people have never read through the entire text of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, even once.
2. Many believers have never done an in-depth exegetical study of any Old or New Testament book.
3. Many followers of Jesus have never become conversant enough with the major tenets of the faith to adequately answer the legitimate questions of anxious inquirers or stop the mouths of antagonistic objectors.

Intimacy with the Lord requires knowing His word, and the acquisition of such knowledge demands a great deal of time and effort. If we are satisfied with nothing more than 15-minute daily devotions and Sunday sermons then we have no right to be dissatisfied with the pitiful condition of our communion with God. If we are starving to death spiritually there is no one to blame but ourselves. The table is set and the food is bountiful, but we go hungry because we choose not to eat. We need to repent. Perhaps we would discover the grace to do so by simply shutting off the television or the computer, picking up the Bible and actually reading it with genuine interest for once.

It is time to quit fooling around. The word of truth must find a home in our hearts. Do whatever it takes to cultivate a love affair with Scripture. Sustained apathy towards divine revelation is scary business, indicating something more horrendous than you would ever care to believe.

�copyright 2000, Perry S. Fuller

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