
A Solemn Financial Advisory

The self appointed task assumed by the Frugal Fly Fisherman is that of giving fairly sound recommendations on handling the addiction of fly rodding in a financially responsible manner. Consistent with this most worthy mission, I will now offer the following advice: Give up the habit altogether. Cold turkey. Bail out wile you still can. Do something, do anything. Sell every piece of equipment you ever bought, take the money and give it to a 12 step program for troutaholics. Whatever. Quit--right now. That, my friends, is the only way you'll ever conserve a single cent on fishing with flies.

Wish for me to prove the point? No problem. If I told you where brand name quality lines were on sale for a mere $15.00, would you limit yourself to only one or two spools, thereby spending a reasonably justifiable sum of around thirty dollars? Doubt it. No, you'd purchase ten weight-forwards (and a few double-tapers for good measure) in a heartbeat, saying, "Well, they're fifteen bucks apiece. Look at all the money I'm saving!" Go ahead. Laugh. We both know the truth is being told here.

Within the past year I have accidentally acquired four glass rods. Individually, each was an extraordinary deal. Even my wife would agree. But taken together they represent the better part of a monthly rent payment. Plus, how many fiberglass 5-weights do I really need anyway?

Orvis' bargain basement up in Manchester? Very dangerous. Don't go there. And explaining the difference between full price and sale price to your spouse, while racking up the credit card, doesn't work--even though the truck load of merchandise you purchased was marked down a full fifty percent.

Cane sticks at the local tag sales are usually tremendous bargains when they can be found. But, beware. They'll send you packing down the primrose path of poverty for the rest of your miserable existence. One bamboo rod is not enough. Trust me.

I could go on and on, but won't.

Want the Frugal Fly Fisherman's sagest economic counsel, the best he can give? OK . . . get ready: Run for your life and never look back. Just keep running. Otherwise, invest in oil. It's cheaper.

Perry Fuller- The Churchwarden

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

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