Frugal Fly Fisherman
September, 2000

Hand Tied Leaders

Leaders are to fly fishing what golf balls are to golfing. You need them, you loose them and you've got to pay money for them. Why spend $2.50 to $4.00 for tapered leaders when you can make your own for pennies apiece? More importantly, why not take ownership over that important connection between you and the trout? Just as it's a good feeling to know you caught the trout on a fly you've tied or on a rod you've built, it's a good feeling to know you tricked a trout on a leader you've made by hand.

Here are three recipes for nice, all-around leaders. I find that they turn over very well. For additional information on tying your own leaders, check out Larry Notley's handbook on fly leaders and knots entitled, Fly Leaders & Knots--available for $7.15 (at You can also find leader formulas at the Hook and Hackle web site:

Three General-Purpose Leaders:

7'6" 4X LEADER

8'6" 6X LEADER

10'6" 6X LEADER

(Section lengths can to be modified to achieve some interesting results.)

Contributed by Mr. Reed Munson

Perry Fuller- The Churchwarden

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

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