Recently I decided to check out the Scantic River in Hampden, a suburban stream close enough to Springfield to readily allow those emergency trout fishing trips of a therapeutic nature. This time there was no time for exploratory stream shuffling, so I went straight to a stretch where stocked rainbows have been known to huddle. After a fair job of casting but a poor job of catching it seemed best to rest the pool and move on. Upstream about two hundred yards is a really fine hole, too good to pass up. The right way to approach this particular pool is to walk the bank up to the head, hop in, and fish downstream. It so happens that this spot is edged by private property, never a problem until this year. I was dismayed to find a fence and a NO TRESPASSING sign. Fortunately, the property owner was doing some work down by the water. Respecting the man's wish, I did not step foot on his land, but accessed the hole by wading tightly against the stream bank--definitely not the most ideal way to do things in this situation.

The land owner (whom I will call Fred) and I got into a conversation about why he posted his property, and the story was all too familiar: morons messing up everything, leaving trash everywhere, etc., etc., etc. But there was a disturbing twist to the woeful tale. Two bait fishermen were prospecting for trout one sunny afternoon, one man above and the other right in the pool. They had set up a bit of a picnic area on Fred's property without permission, thus incurring the liability of trespassing. When Fred said they had to leave, one of the so called sportsmen threatened to throw him into the river. So much for the genteel angler. Thankfully the threat was never carried out and violence was avoided. Nevertheless, a great deal of unnecessary damage was done--Fred is now significantly more intentional in his position against fishermen in his back yard. Who can blame him?

As civilization increasingly encroaches upon the country, more and more private property borders or embraces prime hunting and fishing territory. Sadly, our reputation precedes us with the result that much of this land is being outlawed against our hope of ever enjoying it. We have nobody to blame but ourselves. Why should any land owner have to endure debris and destruction from those who supposedly love the great outdoors?

Truly, we are hypocrites.

Hunting and fishing on private property is a privilege to be earned, not a right to be assumed. Apparently we are too dumb to appreciate the distinction.

Again, we are hypocrites--nothing but a bunch of stupid hypocrites.
Perry Fuller- The Churchwarden

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

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