More Trout Stream Tampers For Sale

More Trout Stream Tampers For Sale

Well, my dear readers, there are two more Trout Stream Tampers available for your buying pleasure, making three altogether.

TST#2 is for the man who always wished he had 9-1/2" of solid wood. At long last, here's your chance. If size matters, this pipe tamper is for you. Fits into a bowl with an inside diameter of 7/8" or more.

TST#3 is shorter, but still respectable at 7-3/4". Also, of all the tampers I've made so far, it's my wife's favorite. Like the one above, TST#3 is suitable for 7/8" briars.

The price for either is $10.00, which includes shipping.

Forthcoming will be a few Trout Stream Tampers sized for smaller briar bowls, say 5/8" inside diameter or less.

Remember: All funds sent to me for these stupid sticks will be used exclusively for the literature ministry of Springfield Presbyterian Church.

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