Perry Fuller's Churchwarden

Pouched Tobacco Review
Captain Black

I hope you--beloved fans of THE CHURCHWARDEN--realize the sacrifice I make to bring forth this publication on a month by month basis for your enjoyment. For example: Here it is, the 18th of June, perhaps the finest evening for fishing in two weeks--not too hot, not too humid, excellent in every respect--and what am I doing? Am I on the Swift taking advantage of the sunset hatch, hooking big rainbows as they roll over on perfectly drifted Sulphurs? Is that what I'm doing? Am I watching the blue herons rise to their resting places, or the beavers make last minute preparations to bed down for the night? Oh, no, my dear reader, not at all, not at all. Instead, I'm sitting before an iMac, struggling for every single sentence as the sounds of the city drown out my thoughts, leaving me with no other choice than to pick up a Canadian made of 200 year old briar, pack it full of Captain Black, and puff away the frustration over words I can't write and fish I can't catch. No comfort will be wrought from the rich draw of perfectly proportioned dark and light cavendishes, the aroma of which pleases women, children, and small fur bearing animals. A traditional tobacco--been around a long time--it takes me back many years ago to when I first set fire (with a match, mind you) to bowl number one of the very same blend, thus beginning a long and healthy fascination with the Grecian heath tree root. However, since nostalgia is such a poor substitute for self pity, I really should return to the task of preparing the newsletter, wondering if anyone cares, if anyone loves me. Poor, poor pitiful me.

By the way, did I mention the fact this pipe was carved by Elliot Nachwalter, and that it smokes like no other, and that Captain Black compliments its character exquisitely, and that if my current frame of mind continues I'll be forced to smoke it some more, and perhaps even more? Ah, the sacrifices I make just for you, dear reader. Yes, just for you.

�copyright 2001, Perry S. Fuller

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