Beer and Tobacco Reviews

Beer and Tobacco Reviews

Hibernator by Long Trail

The state of Vermont supposedly has more cows than people. Perhaps that's true. Methinks the Long Trail brewers at Bridgewater Corners got a bit inspired by such demography and decided to brew Hibernator from bovine runoff. They, then, must have tried to sweeten it up with some brown sugar and "a dash of honey." Nevertheless there remains a bitter aftertaste which the imagination easily associates with cattle in a way most unpleasant to the palate. Hibernator is better than Bud, so 2 out 5 Luthers seems like a fair rating.

Oatmeal Stout by Samuel Smith

I have yet to find a Samuel Smith beer I don't like, and Oatmeal Stout is no exception. Better than Guinness, I emphatically recommend it, especially for breakfast. Yes, you read me right. One day several weeks ago I was left to fend for myself with regard to my morning fare. Who needs bacon, eggs, and coffee when there's gefelte fish, matzos and beer to be enjoyed? Trust me, the heavy bodied character of Smith's Stout perfectly compliments a manly meal of this kind. Definitely not suggested for the cream puff and cappuccino crowd. Rating: 5 out of 5 Luthers.


They all suck worse than a Hoover with a punctured dust bag. Astute readers will note that some time ago I gave both Field & Stream and Argosy positive reviews. In fact the latter was touted as an old flame rekindled, so to speak. I've since changed my mind. Upon further experimentation with HOW mixtures, including those just mentioned, the evaluation is considerably different now. Every one of them bites like a psychotic rattlesnake (except Argosy, which merely leaves an unpleasant, lingering, aftertaste). Revelation for example, supposedly Albert Einstein's favorite, makes me question not only the man's genius, but his sanity as well. Anyone who would deliberately subject himself to such torture must have had serious mental issues regardless of how kindly history has judged him. I know the tobacco guru, William Serad, appreciates these blends, yet even an expert of his caliber can get it wrong occasionally.

Why waste your money on any of this junk? Smoke poison ivy instead. You'll be glad you did.

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