Tinned Tobacco Review
Perry Fuller's The Churchwarden

Tinned Tobacco Review

Sweet Killarney by Peterson

"A unique mixture of selected tobaccos including Virginia Burley,
Maryland blended with some Black Cavendish
and topped with a Cream Caramel flavour.
To make this wonderful tobacco even more attractive,
it is blended with hand-rubbed Virginia flake
which results in a fantastic aroma."

I am a sucker for thematic advertising, so whenever I see anything portraying a hunting or fishing scene I am automatically interested. Sometimes this weakness sandbags me. Occasionally, however, it serves me well, and such is the case here. I was perusing my local pipe shop shortly before Christmas when I chanced (Can a Calvinist say that?) upon a tin of tobacco whose cover bore the image of a fly fisherman standing knee deep in a river. In a manner of speaking, providentially, my purchase was already made for me (Have I redeemed myself yet?). All I had to do was come up with the cash.

Now, despite all the seductive power of good graphics, I am not too easily fooled by accompanying words. Thus, I seriously wondered just how "wonderful" a blend could be, "topped with a Cream Caramel flavour." My reckoning was that it would be intolerably sweet, and I am happy to report I was down-right mistaken. There is certainly a significant hint of the flavour, but definitely nothing pervasive or offensive.

As I write this brief review I am smoking a bowl in an old Wally Frank to refresh my memory of the mixture's assets and liabilities. In regard to the latter I can detect only one: namely, that its bite is what one might expect from a mild English blend. Otherwise, the tobacco is delightful. In terms of aromatic quality, my wife says the redolence is pleasantly reminiscent of a wood fire in the evening. But then, her nose is stuffed up; who can really tell? The bane of pipe lovers is that they can never smell their own smoke, but I suspect Sweet Killarney's aroma is equal to its fine taste.

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