Here's what you may not know about the average baby born today

He costs almost a quarter-million dollars to raise, recognizes his mom's voice at birth,
is likelier now than at any other time in history to be a twin and...

was conceived after six months of trying - and the odds are 95% that he arrived early or on time. was delivered after 10½ hours of labor to parents who knew ahead of time whether they were having a boy or a girl.
prefers mashed bananas over any other flavor of baby food. most likely arrived on a Tuesday.
weighed in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces - and will weigh triple that on his first birthday. is 6% likelier to be a boy than a girl. (106 boys are born for every 100 girls.)
is most likely to be named Michael, Jacob, Matthew, Nicholas or Joshua - or Caitlin, Emily, Sara, Hannah or Ashley. immediately prefers patterns to solid blocks of color.
can remember sounds he heard in the womb, and will turn toward the familiar voice of his mother at birth. will "know" his name at age three months.
after three days, can tell his mommy from any other by her smell. Say "Dada" at around seven months... and "Mama" by nine.
will cost his parents about $230,000 to raise to age 18. will have two bottom teeth by six months.
takes 40 breaths a minute - twice as many as you - and has a heartbeat that's twice as fast as yours - 120 to 160 beats a minute. will drink 1048 bottles of formula before graduating to a cup.
will cost his parents and average of one to two hours of sleep a night during his first year. will cry less than 90 minutes a day during the first four months - unless he's got colic.
will smile his first genuine smile at around two months. will cry differently at 12 weeks when Mommy leaves the room than when other people do.
will go through 8 disposable diapers a day, or 8000 before being potty-trained. won't be potty-trained until age 3 - a full year later than his parents were.
will get at least 30% of his clothes as gifts.  Typical cost of each gift: $25. is more likely to have a room decorated with Winnie the Pooh than with Mickey Mouse.
will laugh his first true belly laugh at age four months. will eat Cheerios as his first finger food.
has a 90% chance of being right-handed. will have 8 to 10 colds, complete with runny nose, sneezing, cough and sore throat, by his first birthday.
is being raised more on the advice of his grandparents than on any book, video or pediatrician. will decide he doesn't like bath time at around age seven months.
has a 50% chance of being a thumb-sucker. will start crawling at 1.25 mph at around age eight months.
outgrows his shoes every three months. has almost 4% chance of being a twin - the highest ever - thanks to the increased use of fertility drugs.
will take his first tentative step between 10 and 14 months. will eat about 648 jars of baby food before graduating to grown-up food around his first birthday.  That's 100 fewer jars than his mom ate in 1972 - mothers then weren't as quick to offer babies tastes of grown-up foods.
begins patting himself in the mirror at age eight months. can unwrap presents just in time for his first birthday!
understands about 50 words by age one - but can say only three. will live 72.8 years if he's a boy (24.8 more years than his great-grandfather). Will live 79 years if she's a girl (29 longer than her great-grandmother)





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