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Tradução feita pelo Prof.Evanio Geraldo de Almeida Viana. Bibliographical References Tradução feita pelo Prof.Evanio Geraldo de Almeida Viana.
We beg that, in case of use of our work in order to scholar researches or out of Internet compass, please, mention the name of the authors, the material origin and the site address..
Book- A trip in time - 1725 - Divinópolis -1975 Aurélio Antunes de Araújo
Book- Divinópolis with love and humour José Dias Lara
Book - Divinópolis Memorial - The history of the City - Lázaro Barreto
Book - The Dictionary of the Constructors of Divinópolis History Mauro Corgozinho Raposo
Mercemiro Oliveira Silva
Book - Divinópolis History Pedro X. Gontijo
Book - Divinópolis Today and Inventory of the Past Maria Isabel Menezes Ribeiro
The Globe Journal 28/03/1959
InterAction Journal First Year - number 03 - August,2001.
Journal - Agente Years III and IV - numbers 18,19,20 and 26 - April, June and July, 1995 and January,1996.
Journal Now July 10, 1998.
Magazine: The City Magazine First Year - number 01 - March, 2000.
Magazine: Star of West Club First Year - number 01 - February and March, 1994.
Publication: A Prova - it is a publication of the Town Council, in continuation to Braulino Gomes de Souza editorial project ( circulating from 1914 to 1915 in its first phase ( the three first volumes ) and in its second phase in 1982/1992, 1993,1995,1998, 2000 and 2002 ( from fourth to ninth volumes ) 84 year - number 7 - May,1998 - Town Council
Inventory of the Schools Our Lady of the Sacred heart Institute and Padre Matias Lobato School and Divinópolis Club 2002
A newspaper without register nor date. Municipal Public Archive
Girl's Home Jubilee 1954/1979 Booklet and increase
Folder Santo Antônio Sanctuarya temple of Faith and Art.
Divinópolis statistical yearbook -
First Cultural census of Minas Gerais State - Centro-Oeste Region guide - Culture State Secretariat 1995
Library INSSC June - July
Municipal Public Library Ataliba Lago Junho - Julho - Agosto
Municipal Public Archive June - July - August
Archive of the Retreat of the Nightingales July
Book: Abrindo Comportas - Construção da Usina do Gafanhoto - 2003
Maria de Fátima Batista Quadros e
Maria José da Silva Miller
Março - 2004 - Agosto

   Some images available in this site were not taken from the camera described in theEditorial, but given by INSSC, the Conductor Tonico Gontijo, Municipal Public Library and by Municipal Public Archive.

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