Cillian Slow Mix

While Daddy was working on my first mix CD, Mommy pointed out that it was full of fast songs, and couldn�t he put some slower ones on there for when it�s nap time? �Nope,� Daddy replied, �but I can make him a WHOLE CD of slow stuff for when it�s nap time!�

1. Heaven - Warrant
Warrant is considered a joke by most critics and rock fans, but Daddy says that�s because they don�t look past Warrant�s �hair band� image and give the music a chance. This is one of Daddy�s favorite songs by one of his favorite songwriters (former Warrant frontman Jani Lane), and is the acoustic version that the band recorded for the CD �Latest and Greatest.�

2. Let It Be - The Beatles
Daddy says this is one of the best songs ever written, and I agree with him! Also any music education has to include something by The Beatles. Daddy says that�s a law, but I think he�s joking.

3. Borderline - Damon Johnson
One of Daddy�s favorite CDs is �Dust,� a live acoustic album recorded by Damon Johnson, who used to front the Southern rock band Brother Cane. One of the songs that he recorded for the album is �Borderline,� a cover of a Thin Lizzy song. Daddy is a big fan of Damon Johnson, Brother Cane, acoustic music, and Thin Lizzy, and all four things sort of came together in this track!

4. Fire and Rain - James Taylor
This was one of the first songs that Daddy thought of when he decided to make a mix CD of slow songs for me. James Taylor has a lot of great songs, but this one, inspired by the sudden death of a close friend, is Daddy�s favorite.

5. Name - Goo Goo Dolls
Another acoustic song - there are a lot of those on here, aren�t there? This was the Goo Goo Dolls� first big hit and is Daddy�s favorite song by them, but he says he thinks it�s strange that such a good song was done by a band with such a bad name.

6. Hand - Jars of Clay
This was one of the last songs that Daddy picked out because he was having so much trouble figuring out which Jars of Clay song he wanted to use (he finally narrowed it down to two; the other finalist was �No One Loves Me Like You,� which is actually on the same album, �If I Left the Zoo�). Jars of Clay is one of Mommy�s favorite bands too - actually, she first brought the band to Daddy�s attention back when she was still in college.

7. The Heart of the Matter - Don Henley
What would an album of slow songs be without a breakup song? According to Daddy, this is one of the best and is his favorite Don Henley song.

8. Beast of Burden - The Rolling Stones
Daddy knew he had to include a track by this legendary band on one of my CDs - he just couldn�t figure out which one! Deciding which mix CD made it easier, though Daddy also considered using �Wild Horses� or �Angie� instead. It was a difficult choice, but I think Daddy made the right one!

9. Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton
Another classic track by a legendary artist. This has been one of Daddy�s favorite songs for years.

10. June - Spock's Beard
Another great acoustic song by a band with a silly name. Daddy first heard this song at a concert, when Spock�s Beard was opening for Dream Theater. Daddy and Mommy both say it was one of the best live shows they�ve ever seen. This is Daddy�s favorite Spock�s Beard song.

11. Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
Another acoustic song! They�re really piling up now. This is a great song about hope and overcoming adversity.

12. Trouble - Coldplay
Daddy isn�t a big Coldplay fan, but this song - featured in both "The Shield" and "Without a Trace," which are two of his favorite TV shows - is one of his favorites. Daddy says he�s surprised he likes this one song so much but doesn�t like much else by them, but that it�s still one of his favorites.

13. Highway 59 (Let It Rain) - Mary Cutrufello
Daddy first heard about Mary Cutrufello at work - he used to do transcripts of NPR shows, and he says most of them were really boring, but one night Mary Cutrufello was on �All Things Considered,� and Daddy liked that segment so much he bought her CD. Mommy doesn�t like her music very much, but Daddy loves this CD, and agrees with critics who call Mary �a female Bruce Springsteen.�

14. Overcome - Live
Live is another of Daddy�s favorite bands, and picking just one song by them seemed almost impossible. In the end, though, Daddy decided to use �Overcome,� which received a lot of airplay by news stations after 9/11 while they showed footage and stills from that day.

15. Best Thing You Never Had - Butch Walker
Uh-oh! Daddy forgot that he already put a Butch Walker song on my first CD, so he put one on here too! It�s OK, though, because Butch is one of Daddy�s favorites, and mine too!

16. Dryad of the Woods - Pain of Salvation
Pain of Salvation is one of Daddy�s favorite progressive metal bands. They�re known for long, fast, complicated musical pieces, but they slowed everything down a lot for this song, which is the live acoustic version that they recorded for their album �12:5.�

17. Like It or Not - Darren Hayes
�Spin,� which was recorded by former Savage Garden frontman Darren Hayes, is one of Daddy�s favorite CDs, and this is his favorite song from that album. Daddy still can�t believe he likes Darren�s music (and Savage Garden�s), because it�s MUCH different than what he normally listens to, but it�s good stuff, so what difference does it make, right?

When Daddy finished this CD, he thought he was done - until he realized he�d left some very important bands and songs out of my collection! What to do? Make another CD, of course!

For more info on all the CDs in my collection, head back to My CDs now!

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