Here�s a picture of my friend Athena! Athena is old like Kaleb. Her mommy, Lisa, is good friends with Mommy and Daddy.

Here's Sophie, who is Athena's little sister and Chloe's twin! Can you imagine if I was twins? Every time I mention it to Daddy he starts grumbling to himself and rubbing his forehead really hard.

And here's Chloe, who is Sophie's twin! Daddy says he can never tell Sophie and Chloe apart, and Mommy says Daddy can't tell a hole in the ground from something else. I can't remember what the "something else" was, but Mommy seemed to think it was pretty funny.

Here�s Piper, all dressed up for Halloween! Daddy wore a costume very similar to this one for Halloween once too � I think Mommy said it was about two years ago. Piper is the daughter of D.J. and Joann, who are also friends of Mommy and Daddy.

Here�s A.J. in his Halloween costume! He�s Piper�s brother. Their family sure does like initials! I guess I�d be C.M. if I was A.J.�s brother.

This is me hanging out with Raynell at Daddy's office! Raynell makes sure Daddy behaves himself at work, just like Mommy does at home.


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