Hi everybody! I'm Cillian, and this is my Website! I set it up (with Mommy's help) so that all of you can stay updated with all the latest info on ME! We've got some great pictures here, as well as a ton of other stuff that you can check out. Just head back to the main page anytime to get started!

And don't forget to send me an e-mail if you want! Just don't send messages regarding problems with the site (dead links, pages that won't display, et cetera) - please send those to the Webmaster.

And check this out! We've got all your essential Cillian info right here!

Name: Cillian Matthew Doyle
Birth date: June 24, 2006
Birth time: 6:56 p.m.
Birth height: 21.5 inches
Birth weight: 7 pounds, 15 ounces
Current height: 3' 2"
Current weight: 32.8 lbs.
Current size for clothing: 4T
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Brown
Fingers: 10
Toes: 10

What does the name Cillian mean? Here's some cool info from the Website Baby Names of Ireland about my name!

cille means "associated with the church." One St. Cillian left Ireland in about 650 AD with eleven companions and carried out his missionary work in the Rhine region of Germany where he became Bishop of Wurzburg after converting the local lord, Duke Gosbert of Wurzburg, to Christianity. Later Duke Gosbert married Geilana, his brother's widow and Cillian declared the marriage invalid. While Gosbert was away on a military expedition, Geilana had Cillian beheaded when she found that Gosbert was going to leave her because their marriage was forbidden by the Church. The city of Wurzburg still celebrates a festival of mystery plays each year, known as Killianfest.

Daddy suggested listing some famous people named Cillian right here, but - well, we couldn't think of many! In fact, the only one that came to mind was Cillian Murphy. He's best known for playing Jim in "28 Days Later" and the Scarecrow in "Batman Begins."

Even in the short time I've been around, I've had to deal with folks who have trouble with my name. Here's a complete list of misspellings/mispronunciations people have made about my name, some more understandable than others:

Killian - I get this one a lot. After all, it is a K sound at the beginning, isn't it? But Mommy and Daddy decided to use the traditional Celtic spelling, which has caused a lot of confusion.

Sillian - a lot of people have made this mistake, which Mommy says I'm probably going to get for years - maybe forever! But who would name their kid Sillian? That would just be - silly.

Gillian - the doctor who delivered me made this mistake. I hope he just heard Mommy wrong ...

Lillian - this one doesn't make any sense at all! Daddy found this mistake when he opened the mail one day and realized that the insurance company got it wrong on my insurance card. That's not even close! And they even had me down as a GIRL, instead of a BOY! Daddy told the woman, "My handwriting may be bad - maybe even bad enough that Cillian could look like Lillian - but I know I circled M on the form! I know what gender my child is!"


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